Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Started getting Welsh Harlequin eggs after a long time without. I stopped checking for a long time, but discovered about 10 eggs in there a few days ago. I'm saving them and might set them tomorrow. That would give me ducklings on 1/19. Is that too early? I love ducklings, but not sure if there will be demand that early.

In other news, 2 chicks are out already from the 7 I put into lockdown. 1 Black Ameraucana and 1 Mille Fleur Leghorn. :fl Hoping the Leghorn is a male !!
Woohoo!! Keith and I are definitely interested in more ducks! I hope you get a full hatch for the Black Ameraucanas!
I have a big hatch scheduled for New Year's Day. A lot of Partridge Penedesenca eggs. I haven't candled them yet, so I'm not sure about fertility, but I'm hoping. They have really impressed me with their laying ability compared to my other dark egg layers (Welsummers, Welbars and Copper Marans all seem to be rather lackadaisical). I have 7 pullets, yesterday I got 7 eggs, today just 6, but considering the numbers for my flock of about 50 Legbars was 0 and 1, I think they are doing great.

Today's Legbar egg was the first since October. These are mostly 2 to 3 years old now, so they take longer breaks, but that is quite the drought for a Legbar. I want to select for productivity over several years, so that requires keeping the birds to see who is still laying after several years and selecting their progeny for the next group of breeders.
I know I am going to need a lavender ameraucana from you--the Pendesencas sound wonderful! How many eggs per week are they averaging?
Woohoo!! Keith and I are definitely interested in more ducks! I hope you get a full hatch for the Black Ameraucanas!
I will set the ducks eggs then (that didn't take much "arm twisting", LOL).
So far, only 1 Ameraucana, but a second Leghorn is out!! The leghorns are the crucial chicks, since these are probably the only ones I will hatch this season (cockerel died shortly after these were laid, and so far, none of the later eggs have been fertile).
I know I am going to need a lavender ameraucana from you--the Pendesencas sound wonderful! How many eggs per week are they averaging?
My 7 pullets have laid 40+ eggs in the last 10 days. They are young, but this is a really "off" season for laying (as evidenced by almost no other eggs being produced anywhere). I don't have a long experience with these, but I never had other dark egg breeds lay this well. Right now they are laying like Legbars or Cali Greys of their age, I hope it keeps up. Going to candle their eggs today (11 days incubating, dark eggs are much harder to candle effectively). :fl:ya
I may have to look into this!!

As if chickens are addicting enough already... :lau

How pricey are they? Dang--I already made out my Christmas list but I would love a link if you do get one!

I found one for $50 on Amazon. I found one that's a two set for $70 before but there was something about it that didn't have what I was looking for. But when I get one if I can stream it and share a link I'll be sure to post it here! I love ChickenTV!
Hey guys, can you help me with something? I noticed my young rooster acting funny today. He doesn't want to put any weight on his one foot and the toe is swollen and bruised. Does he have a broken toe? What can I do for him?
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I will set the ducks eggs then (that didn't take much "arm twisting", LOL).
So far, only 1 Ameraucana, but a second Leghorn is out!! The leghorns are the crucial chicks, since these are probably the only ones I will hatch this season (cockerel died shortly after these were laid, and so far, none of the later eggs have been fertile).
:D Huzzah!! And yeah, it never does lol. Keith just loves his ducks and Daffy and Tauriel are doing so wonderfully, also we're gonna need more anyways once we separate the geese out. :fl Here's hoping all your leghorn babies hatch!
Hey guys, can you help me with something? I noticed my young rooster acting funny today. He doesn't want to put any weight on his one foot and the toe is swollen and bruised. Does he have a broken toe? What can I do for him?View attachment 1215537 View attachment 1215533

It could be broken, yes. You could try to splint it but really, there's not a whole lot you can do. It will slowly heal. If you can keep him from jumping down off things, it'll heal faster.
My Dupli (Rooster) is acting odd. He hunches into himself and seems very lethargic. I've seen him eat, so I don't know how off his food he might be. But either we've gotten very used to the noise they make, or he isn't crowing. I've tried actively listening for it. He does cluck and make that weird growly noise that he makes, but no crowing for a few days. Wassup with that?
In other flock news, I have one girl, Rory, who didn't get the memo that she was supposed to be on break. I've gotten an egg from her just about every other day. The other 8 girls? nope. This time last year, production had started to slowly resume. Five of them are from 2014, 2 from 2015, and 2 from 2016 (Rory is from this hatch). All 3 of 2017 were roosters. Very tasty roosters.

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