Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

CX outcross babies. 2, 1 week old and 2 just hatched yesterday. Look at the size difference in these monsters!


3-4 week old seramas with new serama baby :)

About a half hour earlier I searched the yard because I thought it odd that the army green eggs had slacked off So I hear the egg song and after a while I go out to get the egg. No egg and no hens in the box. I think it’s odd because I know she was laying. Well I looked under the coop and found her sitting on this stash!

Are they all good to eat? She has definitely not been sitting on them at night because I’ve been checking to see if she’s in there at night. I clipped her wing the other day because she has been escaping.

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What a gorgeous color they are! I only have one Olive egger right now, but I would like some more.

We had a terrifying afternoon today. The kids were supposed to be released 3 hours early today to start Christmas vacation. We got a text from the school saint that all the busses would be late. After an hour of waiting at the buss stop, I decided to follow the birds route, looking for the kids since I couldn't get through to the school. I got the whole way to the middle school to find the busses hadn't moved so I went in and got my son and found out that the elementary school was locked down, that an intruder had gone in and barricaded himself in a bathroom. They said that they weren't letting anyone near the school. Talk about terrifying! I was finally able to go get my daughter from the school and supposedly, they didn't find anyone. I don't know what happened for sure but that was so scary.

How scary! Glad everyone was safe though!

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Daffodil made a full recovery from Botulism and has been back with her girlfriends for three days now! Thank you to everyone for their advice--I started with the eyedropper but quickly went to a tube and baby parrot food. She was eating on her own a few days and then we had that break in the weather! I check her crop every night and she is doing great at feeding herself--she only needed one day on the other side of the wire before her buddies accepted her back. View attachment 1215068 I kind of miss having a big poofy chicken in the house...
Dennis --when will you start having chicks? I will need some serious layers since my flock is now mainly poofy ornamental Orpingtons! Fanged--your pretty girl is still giving me (my only) egg a day!

That’s amazing. I didn’t know they could come back from botulism! She will probably be immune now. They are such hardy creatures!

My 7 pullets have laid 40+ eggs in the last 10 days. They are young, but this is a really "off" season for laying (as evidenced by almost no other eggs being produced anywhere). I don't have a long experience with these, but I never had other dark egg breeds lay this well. Right now they are laying like Legbars or Cali Greys of their age, I hope it keeps up. Going to candle their eggs today (11 days incubating, dark eggs are much harder to candle effectively). :fl:ya

That’s awesome. Just for feedback, I’ll chime in. The Cali greys are really great, they have molted hard and fast, but my one just finished and went right back to laying, even with these reduced daylight hours. My new CCL girls that hatched in May from my broody have started to lay, and they are laying very well, again, considering the shortened daylight hours.

Hello fellow Pennsylvanians!:frow I recently joined BYC! We currently do not have any chickens but that should change in about a week. It's day 14 for our hatching eggs! :yaThey'll be the first chickens that we've had as a family and first chickens ever for the hubby and kids.

Welcome! Glad to have you! There is so much knowledge here, just ask.

CX outcross babies. 2, 1 week old and 2 just hatched yesterday. Look at the size difference in these monsters!

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3-4 week old seramas with new serama baby :)

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That is incredible! You are on your way to toads!

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