Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

The panting is something that I have come to expect after a bird is 'freaked' by something, and being roughed up by a rooster really seems to freak the younger ones. It also takes them a while to settle after strenuous activity, so more panting...
Try using a rolled towel to help prop up your hen in a slightly elevated position to take pressure of of her joints.
Thank you so much for your advice! This morning she seems all better and standing! I guess she was just overworked from the young roo.

I will put her back tonight in the coop. What a relief!

The panting is something that I have come to expect after a bird is 'freaked' by something, and being roughed up by a rooster really seems to freak the younger ones. It also takes them a while to settle after strenuous activity, so more panting...
Try using a rolled towel to help prop up your hen in a slightly elevated position to take pressure of of her joints.

@fisherlady Well! I heard a commotion in the other room and the chicks shrieking. The Ayam Cemani girl had busted out of her crate (it didn’t have the most secure latch) and was looking out the window at her friends.

I guess she was feeling much better, so I put her back outside. What a relief!
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@fisherlady Well! I heard a commotion in the other room and the chicks shrieking. The Ayam Cemani girl had busted out of her crate (it didn’t have the most secure latch) and was looking out the window at her friends.

I guess she was feeling much better, so I put her back outside. What a relief!

LOL... guess she was letting you know she was ready to head out, great to see her recovered!
Hello all! I hope you had a great Christmas. I am near the Erie region, which got over 50 inches of snow in 3 hours. Here, I measured the snow in front of the house: 25 inches! Had a lot of fun trying to walk/crawl through the snow to get to my chicken coop!

Wow! That's crazy! Were they able to keep the main roads fairly clear?
No, he's a full roo. Daddy of this year's hatch. But he's just acting off.

My roo doesn’t crow as much this time of year it seems. Not as much mating that I notice, also.

My Roo is still crowing a lot right now because we have some young fellers in competition, but usually it’s quieter.

Speaking of noise, I have some relatives staying with us in a couple of days. I told them they should bring earplugs. The woman likes to sleep in, so I am sure she will not be able to here. Whoops.

My turkeys that roost in the trees hop down every night and yell for their friends.

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