Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Merry Christmas to all!

I was so excited for my gift this year. I have been wanting it for years! I got the compete anthology of my favorite magazine, Backwoods Home. It is no longer in print form, only digital now. The anthologies contain some 26 years of articles on topics such as canning, animal husbandry, guns, self sufficiency, building, etc. I have enough reading material for years to come.
The new leghorn babies are doing well. Put them in a bigger enclosure today and switched them from the lamp, to a heating pad brooder setup. It took them a little bit, but they have decided sleeping on top is an excellent option. Haha! :lol:

Picture time!

One of my husbands clients gave us a big bag of rice that was expired. Strange but true. It smelled like it was old, but it still makes for a nice safe chicken treat on these cold days. They love it!


@MotorcycleChick Haha!


Molting Cali Gray on the left, her sister on the right, who just finished. Amazing!


Poor thing. She has needed new feathers for months now, since the rooster had less girls to enjoy, and she had become a favorite. Looks like the BSL behind her is actively molting as well.


My favorite Turkey Nikko, trying to bite my cell phone camera. I still.cant get over how curious and personable those turkeys are.


Speaking of curious, we had to have a car towed this week, and of course they all had to investigate. They also checked out the heater repair man when he showed up also.

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And a wet Silkie. Because they're just so darn cute. And such a tough bird, for being 8!

Merry Christmas, peeps!
I’ve been in the kitchen most of the day. I remembered that my liquor cabinet is only empty because I made so much coffee liqueur (Kahlua) and vanilla extract. So, I began at six this morning with a little Death Wish Coffee in my rum Kahlua. Then went back to the kitchen repeatedly to bake or cook something. I made bread dough and cinnamon apples, which turned into apple monkey bread. Oatmeal with apples and raisins for the birds, apple strudel, and I think I’m ready to make some ice cream.
Well crap. My poor little Ayam Cemani girl is injured. I was outside and saw one of the little Roos chasing her around. A couple of minutes I see her laying down next to the deck. She lets me pick her up. I bring her in and look her over. I don’t see any external injuries, but when I let her onto the floor, she falls after putting weight on her right leg. She is also breathing hard as well, with her beak partially open. Hoping that is just from her being chased around.

I have her isolated inside, with food water and nutrition drench. I will lpjust have to monitor her and see what happens.

The roosters are listed on Craigslist and should be gone by the end of the week, one way or another.
Well crap. My poor little Ayam Cemani girl is injured. I was outside and saw one of the little Roos chasing her around. A couple of minutes I see her laying down next to the deck. She lets me pick her up. I bring her in and look her over. I don’t see any external injuries, but when I let her onto the floor, she falls after putting weight on her right leg. She is also breathing hard as well, with her beak partially open. Hoping that is just from her being chased around.

I have her isolated inside, with food water and nutrition drench. I will lpjust have to monitor her and see what happens.

The roosters are listed on Craigslist and should be gone by the end of the week, one way or another.

We have had similar incidents with over amorous young rooster. Sometimes just 'shock' and he is back to normal after a few hours alone time, a couple had spur lacerations, one poor girl had a leg injury (she was small, he was full sized) . A few hours should answer the questions for you.
In the meantime you are doing the right thing, rest, peace and quiet and nutritious treats .

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