Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

She didn't let me peek yesterday but today I kicked her off - 2 more eggs than her 3 were in there. Silly girl.
My Maggie did the same thing. She’s been sitting on the same 2 eggs for 3 weeks. Now she’s grabbed 4 more.:he I candled them but don’t really know what I’m looking at. 4 of them look full of shadow, 2 have what I assume are floating yolks. I don’t know what to do. Plus, I’ve got 3 Silkie/Cochin crosses determinedly sitting on nothing.:barnie
On the game cam yesterday, we saw that 2 raccoons, a fox, and an owl stopped by for a visit. The raccoons managed to get the side door of the main coop open but didn't get in. A group of young growouts did get out though, never to be seen again. Of course, one was DD's favorite pullet, my favorite show girl chick is gone, and most of the silver penciled rocks :/ We installed a padlock on that door yesterday though so they're not getting it open again. I had to go to bed early because of work this morning but DH woke me up when he came to bed to tell me that one of the raccoons is in the trap. 1 down! At least 1 to go!

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What has happened since?
@dheltzel , Have you ever used the Ivermectin Pour-On effectively? I have to order online, NOBODY local has any poultry dewormer. My feed store has Stryke III pellets, I can try those, but it’s basically DE plus pumpkin seed. Not sure about the effectiveness.

Rant Mode ON: (you’ve been warned!) This is CRAZY!! No Antibiotics is bad enough, but now no one carries dewormer?! What, just because we’re not “commercial” producers, we have to lose our birds to common ailments and infections?! I have ANOTHER young Marans at death’s door today! I’ve put 3 months’ work and feed into these birds!! Why the hell can’t I buy them some damn medicine?! I have NEVER trusted DE, and apparently that’s all I’m allowed to buy. Insanity!!

Rant Mode OFF. Thank you.❤
Ivermectin is very effective, but expensive because you have to buy like 100 years worth. It is also not "listed" for chickens, as they are not valuable enough agriculturally to do the testing.
Plus, I’ve got 3 Silkie/Cochin crosses determinedly sitting on nothing.:barnie
I warned you they liked to go broody -- for the rest of the summer and fall. They actually make pretty good incubators, just put in eggs and take out chicks when they hatch, they will stay broody even if you leave chicks in there. Crazy hens.
What has happened since?

They managed to get a hold of one of my geese through a small gap in the run :( My Lollipop is now gone. I'm so beyond furious and depressed. He was as much a pet as any dog or cat. Sunshine is alone now. He would randomly call yesterday and look around for Lollipop. They've never been separated and used cry for each other if they got themselves stuck on opposite sides of the house.

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