Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hey fellow Pennsylvanians!
I'm looking for a bantam Cochin cockerel within a 3-hour drive of Philadelphia, anyone have any leads?
Don't need show quality, though I'm favoring conformation over color.
My flock is mixed Cochin/Easter Egger with a wee splash of Sebright. Ultimately I'd love to breed a flock of very fluffy birds laying fun-colored eggs but right now the Easter egger sleekness dominates (without any fun egg colors, boo).
Thank you for the rabbit input! we have tried the traps, they stay clear of those unfortunately. Haven't tried the hay yet, have tried bananas, LOL..they really like those!
Thats how I almost got the one!
*GoodGuinea- I freeze eggs by just cracking the amount I want into a bowl, whisking them up, and putting the whipped up eggs into the container I am using into the freezer.
I buy my little containers at the Dollar Tree. They have red lids, Betty Crocker. I have bought other kinds too for smaller amounts of eggs.
They are perfect for this!!
I can get up to 6 scrambled, (whipped) eggs into a container no issue.
They work great for baking, breakfast..anything really. When I make scrambled eggs I add a bit of liquid anyway and that fluffs things up nice.
Hey fellow Pennsylvanians!
I'm looking for a bantam Cochin cockerel within a 3-hour drive of Philadelphia, anyone have any leads?
Don't need show quality, though I'm favoring conformation over color.
My flock is mixed Cochin/Easter Egger with a wee splash of Sebright. Ultimately I'd love to breed a flock of very fluffy birds laying fun-colored eggs but right now the Easter egger sleekness dominates (without any fun egg colors, boo).

You're going to want to talk to @dheltzel :) He's in Pottstown and I believe he has bantam cochins.
I saw on your website you have Alsdorf Genetics. How cool! I dabble in genetic hackles. Do you have any flock photos?

I have a new other photos I need to upload, but those are pretty representative of my birds.
These are some of the calmest birds I have, and that is saying something because I focus on calm breeds. They are also more tolerant than most of having a lot of roosters together.
Hey fellow Pennsylvanians!
I'm looking for a bantam Cochin cockerel within a 3-hour drive of Philadelphia, anyone have any leads?
Don't need show quality, though I'm favoring conformation over color.
My flock is mixed Cochin/Easter Egger with a wee splash of Sebright. Ultimately I'd love to breed a flock of very fluffy birds laying fun-colored eggs but right now the Easter egger sleekness dominates (without any fun egg colors, boo).
I have several black and mottled black frizzle cochin bantam roos. They are pretty and have good type, being sons of a mottled roo I got from Jamie Matts. I can only use none frizzles in my pens because my hens are frizzles.
I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but I am not sure how much of a "gift" this is really..🤔🤔.
This warm weather is changing everything in the yard and I don't like it, it's too early.
Have to keep reminding my brain it's only FERUARY!!!
The garlic is popping up already, the fruit trees are budding, this is NOT good...nope-nope-nope.
***I was going to throw more mulch over the greens to hide them from the light, what do you all think???
The tulip & Daffodils are coming up also.
If it got cold, real cold and stopped things right now, there would be a chance for fruit yet, but if things keep going the way they are...I know there will be a late freeze , there always is, and
Anyway, on a much more happy note, the girls have been laying !!!:love
Which is awesome!!
We have eggs throughout the year, when they are laying like crazy we freeze eggs, so no issue with having them when we need them most in the winter, but it is so very nice to have FRESH cracking eggs!!!
Their boyfriend can't get here soon enough and get those new babies hatching!!:jumpy:jumpy:lau
Someone in the neighborhood let their tame-pet rabbits loose, because they were "done" with them ..:mad:, so DH and I have been trying to catch these things for awhile now and haven't had any luck..been close though.
We have a rabbit set-up already to go, just thought it so VERY irresponsible of these "people", anyway..if anyone has any ideas and I don't care how crazy it sounds at this point because we have tried MANY things to get these two..we would be greatly appreciative of your input!!
We are not going to eat them, just throwing that out there, LOL...going to keep them as fun-loves for our Grandaughter. :love:lol:
Have a Happy Mardi Gras!!
I have an empty rabbit hutch from the previous house owner. If you want, you can pick it up for your rabbits. I don't know what happened to their rabbits though. I was looking for them when we moved in, but cannot find any. Hopefully, they just gave them to someone else.
I have an empty rabbit hutch from the previous house owner. If you want, you can pick it up for your rabbits. I don't know what happened to their rabbits though. I was looking for them when we moved in, but cannot find any. Hopefully, they just gave them to someone else.
Hey Thank you!!
That just may come in handy!! LOL!
This whole rabbit thing has gotten DH thinking about alot of other things..without my elbowing, so it might be something, LOL!

One rabbit (Orange) loves sitting under our car in the "parking lot" all the time. , we haven't seen the little black one for a couple days now, hope one of these feral cats haven't gotten to it.
I am so sick and tired of cats running around here, to tell you the truth, I don't even know if they are feral.
JMO..if you feed it..its yours...cats can be kept on tie outs too. They kill so many animals it is amazing how great of a hunter they are.
We have neighbors that feed every in my book, that makes them theirs. The cats sleep there too , they even let some of them into their home to sleep on their bed after being out and about all day....okay..whatever.:sick
I have seen what that cat was into...:th..
Anyway, hahaha, thank you again for the rabbit hutch offer!!
Need to find something to swap with you!!:lol:
Hey Thank you!!
That just may come in handy!! LOL!
This whole rabbit thing has gotten DH thinking about alot of other things..without my elbowing, so it might be something, LOL!

One rabbit (Orange) loves sitting under our car in the "parking lot" all the time. , we haven't seen the little black one for a couple days now, hope one of these feral cats haven't gotten to it.
I am so sick and tired of cats running around here, to tell you the truth, I don't even know if they are feral.
JMO..if you feed it..its yours...cats can be kept on tie outs too. They kill so many animals it is amazing how great of a hunter they are.
We have neighbors that feed every in my book, that makes them theirs. The cats sleep there too , they even let some of them into their home to sleep on their bed after being out and about all day....okay..whatever.:sick
I have seen what that cat was into...:th..
Anyway, hahaha, thank you again for the rabbit hutch offer!!
Need to find something to swap with you!!:lol:
No, don't worry about anything for return. We are very happy to get rid off it. I thought about put it online for free, but keep forgetting about it. :p It looks similar to this one, but it's red. We can meet somewhere at State College or Altoona area if you want, although I need to check if it fits in my car first.

My hands may be sore, and my face may have gotten smacked way more times than I'd like to admit. But I have won the first battle in pruning the 20+ year old apple tree that's not been maintained properly! Now I need to go back and work on it some more, but I'll do that when there's a less windy day before mid March.

The pear tree is looking okay, I managed to actually do all the pruning I needed by hand. (Some of the branches just snapped off when I tried to untangle them). The Geese are... well they're being geese. I still have coop and fencing repairs I need to do, again when the wind isn't trying to blow me to Kansas.

But I'm actually excited about spring! We're also planning on doing meaties this year again, so I'll need to build a tractor. As much as I love the John Suscovich style because you can walk into it, I really don't want to have to pay for plans... I know I can find the Salatin style tractor plans for free. I'm also trying to figure out which one is going to be the most cost-effective build. (Which honestly might just be a hoop coop tractor or something similar at this rate but I'm not entirely sure).
My hands may be sore, and my face may have gotten smacked way more times than I'd like to admit. But I have won the first battle in pruning the 20+ year old apple tree that's not been maintained properly! Now I need to go back and work on it some more, but I'll do that when there's a less windy day before mid March.

The pear tree is looking okay, I managed to actually do all the pruning I needed by hand. (Some of the branches just snapped off when I tried to untangle them). The Geese are... well they're being geese. I still have coop and fencing repairs I need to do, again when the wind isn't trying to blow me to Kansas.

But I'm actually excited about spring! We're also planning on doing meaties this year again, so I'll need to build a tractor. As much as I love the John Suscovich style because you can walk into it, I really don't want to have to pay for plans... I know I can find the Salatin style tractor plans for free. I'm also trying to figure out which one is going to be the most cost-effective build. (Which honestly might just be a hoop coop tractor or something similar at this rate but I'm not entirely sure).
Here's what I built last summer:




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