Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Cool! What all do you have now, and what are you looking for? LOL! I just assume everyone is still looking for more birds!
Of course I am always looking for more birds! I am a huge fan of all birds - I have a cockateil (16 yr old) and look forward to owning a parrot in the future. In terms of chickens, I am at max capacity now, so I'd have to wait a little before actually getting more birds. I currently have plymouth rocks, buff laced polish, blue andalusian, black sumatra, rhode island and new hampshire reds. I also have some O-Shamo and mallard ducks on egg. I am super excited about the O-Shamo - I'll hopefully have an O-Shamo rooster from this batch as well.

Right now I am looking to raise Tinamou but am having a really hard time finding hatching eggs or chicks. I hear they are very rare - they are so beautiful!

What breeds do you have/looking for?
Central PA
welcome birdfeathers
Went to babysit the GS so DD could work on expanding her chicken setup. Came home with her McMurray Surprise chick... now a full grown red Arcauna roo. No tail, puffs and small beard. She has bantam cochins and needed this boy outta there. Anyone know if this is a guaranteed blue egg daddy? We have a tailed one here that we know has blue egg genes.
And DD wants us to hatch eggs, so it looks like we try out the 1200 egg incubator for a planned Palm Sunday hatch. We will put in FBCMs and she will have cochin banties. We shall see if it works! Let's hope for warmer weather because on our unheated enclosed deck, it cannot hold 99 in last night's cold. Temp went down to 95 and unit was on all night. DH won't let me move the monster into the house. ( says there is no room... and yes they are his chickens.) He says wait til temp warms up in March.
If the hatch goes well, there will definitely be Easter cochin banty chicks for sale, including frizzles, and maybe some marans... but I don't count chicks before they hatch!!
Saw an ad on Craigslist last night that had a whole bunch o different types of birds for sale along with peacocks, bunnies, pigs, etc. We took the kids to see everything (just to look and NOT buy!) and of course came home with 3 Cochins!!!!!! Had to build an impromptu pen for them to keep them separated from our 5 others. Success!!!!!

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