Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Quick question- I got two barred rock hens the other day.
One was laying, one wasn't. The one laying layed every day, and then stopped suddenly. I have the hens in with my pullets, and I was feeding them starter crumbles so I figured it would be OK to let the hens eat those too, as long as I gave them veggies and egg shells for calcium. Could that be a reason she stopped laying?

They will stop laying when they move. Just give her a couple of weeks :)
Possible derecho hitting the Pittsburgh area tomorrow. Until today, I had never even heard the term derecho. Looks the birds will be locked in the coop tomorrow. I hope they can make it through this...whatever it is!
They will stop laying when they move. Just give her a couple of weeks :)

Any change can interrupt laying. You said you just got them a few days ago? Give them time to adjust. Even rearranging a run can affect them.

Wow that is so weird! My old chickens must have been the exception to that rule! Thanks for the reassurance :)
:hugs  If you need any of what I got just give a holler

Thank you, Wing. Thank you everyone for your compassion. You guys are the best. It's good to hear I'm not the only one who sometimes leaves the run open by accident, unfortunately for me, the wind closed it and all the birds were stuck outside of the run all night.

We lost our best Orpington, White Marans and Alpha Roo (BCM) among others. My very favorite girl, broody Momma extraordinare, 'Popcorn' survived, she seems to be missing an eye, but the rest of her looks good. She is in quarantine. My smart aleck teenage son wants to call her Pop'eye' now. I'm just glad she's alive .

Thank you, Wing. Thank you everyone for your compassion. You guys are the best. It's good to hear I'm not the only one who sometimes leaves the run open by accident, unfortunately for me, the wind closed it and all the birds were stuck outside of the run all night.

We lost our best Orpington, White Marans and Alpha Roo (BCM) among others. My very favorite girl, broody Momma extraordinare, 'Popcorn' survived, she seems to be missing an eye, but the rest of her looks good. She is in quarantine. My smart aleck teenage son wants to call her Pop'eye' now. I'm just glad she's alive .

I have twelve youngorpingtons, not all hens if toy want any to start a rebuild. They are from a beautiful lemon cuckoo rooster over BBS hens. Vary from yellow, to yellow/blue to yellow black to black.
Possible derecho hitting the Pittsburgh area tomorrow. Until today, I had never even heard the term derecho. Looks the birds will be locked in the coop tomorrow. I hope they can make it through this...whatever it is!
its suppose to be a line of storms moving thru, why they can't just say that instead of fancy terms, who knows

Thank you, Wing. Thank you everyone for your compassion. You guys are the best. It's good to hear I'm not the only one who sometimes leaves the run open by accident, unfortunately for me, the wind closed it and all the birds were stuck outside of the run all night.

We lost our best Orpington, White Marans and Alpha Roo (BCM) among others. My very favorite girl, broody Momma extraordinare, 'Popcorn' survived, she seems to be missing an eye, but the rest of her looks good. She is in quarantine. My smart aleck teenage son wants to call her Pop'eye' now. I'm just glad she's alive .

Blarney not sure you want chicks but Devon elementary has about 30 RIRs that need a home plus I could part with a female welsummer to get your flock back together.

Our pony is named popcorn, great name!
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With those impending storms, I think we're going to get the teenagers into the big coop tonight, since their little grow-out tractor pen would probably blow away. The big girls are pretty tolerant of them now, after having the young'uns in the run for nearly a week. It's in need of a good cleaning, though. Weird flies buzzing around inside of it. I've prepped the shopvac though, so all those flies and the dozen of spiderwebs with their not-so-little eight-legged homeowners inside are getting sucked out. Man I hate spiders.
I'll be glad to see them gone.

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