Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


Jefferson taking a piggy back ride on max again. It's weird but when our pig lays down all the chickens love to roost on him.

Omg how freaking CUTE is that lol
Ok one of my cats, that had been missing for a month or more just finally came home tonight. Problem is she is limping on her front left. No outward signs of trama so right now I am not sure what is going on with her. Going to try to examine her more here here soon. I am so happy that she is home finally and am fully willing to give her the tlc she needs to get better.
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I have fertile Leghorn eggs if you want to hatch them. Let me know. I'm located just outside of Pittsburgh. If I didn't just fill up my bator I would hatch some for you.

Thank you for the offer. I think I found some 12 week leghorns and I will know tomorrow if I can get them. If it falls through, I will take you up on that! Thanks again!
There are 3 versions to every story. Your version, there version, and the truth. Both parties know what the truth is.

A person also has a right to ask you to not come to there property. Whether it is just or not, you should have kept it to yourself.

So did you post the stuff about your goose being sick, or did a fox take it? Just curious.........
Hey everyone! I'm brand new to this website and its very confusing. I live in tobyhanna pa and started my new flock in April. Have 9 chickens I got from tractor supply and I love them. Still wondering if any are Roos. :)

Welcome to the craziness!

There are 3 versions to every story.  Your version, there version, and the truth.  Both parties know what the truth is.

A person also has a right to ask you to not come to there property.  Whether it is just or not, you should have kept it to yourself.

Majority of the Susquehanna is only about 3 ft can walk across it, LOL! The only reason my sister was debating getting the baby a lifevest is that they own a bass boat which will not be put in the water this year, and the in-laws own a pontoon boat. She said it's practically a floating dock and the lake they have it on is tiny in comparison to the boat. Add to that the fact that the in-laws have started smoking in the cottage again, and she is not keen on taking the baby up there until they quit smoking.
I have a friend who has a snorkel on his truck and drives out to some of the islands on the river every summer. I don't blame her with the baby. I'm trying to quit again. This is my 10th or 11th time trying since Gavin was born, but I signed up for a quit help thing this time. So hopefully this time it'll work.

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