Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hello all!

Some posts back I mentioned my interest in getting a food dehydrator and several people said

get the Excalibur-----its the best...........just cost a bit.........or something to that effect.

Well I have some more questions!

If you have an Excalibur-----
did you get the stainless steel trays or the plastic?

how hard or easy are the trays to clean ?

I understand the trays do not go in the dishwasher and some other models have trays that do..............I am not sure if this is a big deal or not?

If you do fruit roll up type of stuff...........maybe more stickiness might occur if it goes over ?

Did you get one with a timer or no timer ( I am thinking a timer would be good)

Another brand that seems to get good reviews is a Nesco
anyone tried this type?

it costs much less and trays go in the dishwasher...........

thanks in advance for your ideas

talk about putting the cart before the horse an all-------I have purchased the seeds and they have arrived.
the raised beds are not made, its not spring yet, but I am already planning on what to do with my great yield of garden fresh veggies!

hope I will have this so much yield of my future!

On another note...............went to the store to get more salt for tomorrows ice storm and many stores had only spring stuff out...............soil, seeds, patio furniture etc.............
it was really hard to find the winter shovel and salt supplies!
You can do one on the cheap. A dehydrator is a heat source and a circulating fan for air movement (much like an incubator).. I have seen some really nice homemade ones. The hiker Ray Jordan made one out of just framing 2x and plywood. as for the trays you could probably do it on the cheap by buying culinary sheet trays and drill holes in them.
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yes I am sure it could be made............but I think I have too many diy projects at this time and it seems that some of the products out there are quite good.

the features seem to matter quite a bit.

the wattage, and type of air circulation etc...........

on the other hand I know some people have some nice results with drying racks using the sun for heat!

I think in this situation I want to buy a dehydrator...............and am just looking into the different types etc. now
Serama and Springers! Some recent babies!

You have some adorable critters there!!
We used to have a dehydrator. The plastic trays were very brittle. I'd go with the stainless if the price was not too much higher. I'd think the stainless could also go in the dishwasher.

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