Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I get my feed and bedding from a tractor supply store in Pottstown..............but I wonder if pickering valley feed in Exton might be closer to you ...........

pine shavings for bedding can be purchased at many places........KMART, petco etc..........

I am in Chester county as well...................near Wayne..........

this group has been a great source of information and advice !

I got my 4 chickens last summer and learned most of everything I needed by reading on this site and asking question in this group.

good luck with this.............and I am sure the 4H will give you plenty of information and support as well!
Evening everybody.
Went out this morning to a buff orpington as stiff as a board.
She just seemed off for the past few weeks and I guess the cold was just too much. She was a fairly recent addition and didn't seem to have any friends in the flock to cuddle with. No one seemed to like her *sigh*

Woodstock is the fluffiest and most adorable little chick ever. But he seems lonely too lol He cuddles between one of my boyfriends' socks and the dog toy

I put the bantam langshan eggs in the bator last night. With all this snow coming tomorrow night I am probably going to regret it.

Well, sold some of my birds tonight to make room for more hatching... boy the coop seems empty even though there are still 30 birds out there! I just hope they do well at their new home. :fl

I'm sure you miss them! But they will most likely be fine at their new home... The sacrifices we have to make to get more birds isn't always fun. Hang in there, it will get better. :)
Evening everybody. 
Went out this morning to a buff orpington as stiff as a board. :(   She just seemed off for the past few weeks and I guess the cold was just too much. She was a fairly recent addition and didn't seem to have any friends in the flock to cuddle with. No one seemed to like her *sigh* 

Woodstock is the fluffiest and most adorable little chick ever. But he seems lonely too lol He cuddles between one of my boyfriends' socks and the dog toy :rolleyes:

I put the bantam langshan eggs in the bator last night. With all this snow coming tomorrow night I am probably going to regret it. 


Sorry about your Buff Orphington.. :hugs It is never fun or nice to find one of your birds dead. I sure hope they are wrong on their predictions of snow.. I too want warm.
Been gone for quite a while just popping in to say hi from Quakertown. Getting ready for this massive storm coming hope everybody stays warm and keeps their power on. I have 27 peeps in the basement they are 2-3 days old and I'm hoping we don't lose power or I will have to get creative for heat!! Thank god I don't have eggs in the bator yet I pick them up next weekend hopefully no more storms after that. Then the hard part comes deciding which to keep and which to sell (since the kids have already given 1/2 of them names lol. Hope everybody is doing good and cant wait to join March hatch along!! Here's a pic of some of my new babies while i'm thinking spring!!

You are right near a whole bunch of us! A good number of Chester County people on here. Were you looking for any certain breed(s)? Not interested in chicks at all? You can hand raise them and get them used to being held. I have porcelain d'uccle and bantam langshan started chicks right now if you are interested. Both from show quality stock. They are smaller breeds and more easily handled by younger kids. The kids will probably learn about showing at 4-H. Anyway, let me know if any interest. Good luck and welcome!

Her award-winning birds are absolutely gorgeous!!!

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