Pennsylvania!! Unite!!


GOOD evening everyone! How are you all doing?
So, after reading a post on using refrigerated eggs in your bator, I decided to try it.. I had some duck eggs in the frig and added them to the 30 eggs I bought off of Wing. I thought it would be an interesting experiment. What do you think?

I have bought the fertile eggs from giant,,,I did hatch one that turned out to be a large roo and went camping
Oh and incase I forgot... Wing, thank you sooo much for the eggs! The kids and I are so excited to see what we get out of them!
your welcome, and as you seen you may hatch any combination of color and size

It is very possible that someone has already said a whole lot on this topic and I just missed it..........


I am wondering if anyone on here raises quail?

Just curious.............
I do....what ya need

Quote: I have folks that order quail meat regularly and I like to use the eggs for red beet eggs in salads

Quote: I soak the eggs for an hour in some cheap vinegar, the shells slide right off Quote:
Quote: Plus the. type of cold we had this year does tend to do them in. I keep my quail (bobs & cots) inside in winter if I winter any over. Wasn't able to winter any this year because of the moves but I just set a batch of 19 eggs from Sara so will be back in the game with them by about the 16th.
I over wintered about 20 of them this year,,,,a pair of valley quail, a pair of tennessee red and the rest are cots

Quote: don't forget to ad some goats for your dairy
Thanks for the tip ~ I'm going to try that when they start laying again. We love to make them into bite sized red beet eggs.

We have an indoor (in our greenhouse) / outdoor quail pen that is entirely covered in hardware cloth including the bottom which is under 4" of dirt. The top outside has a covering on it to protect it from the snow and rain.


Thanks for the tip ~ I'm going to try that when they start laying again. We love to make them into bite sized red beet eggs.

We have an indoor (in our greenhouse) / outdoor quail pen that is entirely covered in hardware cloth including the bottom which is under 4" of dirt. The top outside has a covering on it to protect it from the snow and rain.



Now that is awesome. I wish I had a building to do that with. I want to get jumbo quail eventually. I've raised and ate my own chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. I want to try quail and pheasant yet.
I have bought the fertile eggs from giant,,,I did hatch one that turned out to be a large roo and went camping

I've tried 3 times with the fertile eggs from Giant and not one developed. Most were indeed fertile. Maybe they're just too old by the time customers purchase them.
okay so last nights traps..............

only yielded one small mouse............dead this am.

However all the traps were triggered except for the big cage one.................

time will tell.............its only the beginning.............I aint stopping till I get that nasty big fellow and then.......

I will continue just in the rare event he has friends.....

cant imagine anyone friending him but ------just in case!


Quail look like fun!

I am getting my new chicks next week and have plans to build a bigger and better coop in April

I also have all kinds of seeds here now and even my seed potatoes have come in the mail

have not build the square foot garden raised beds yet and considering all of this am entertaining a whole new direction to add? Quail..............what am I thinkin!

It is craziness...........yet I am never without a hobby.

I love the look of the quail eggshells the past I was under the impression that the eggshells are sought after by hobbyists/ artsy folks ..............has anyone found this to be true?

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