Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Love them
Okay, I'm overflowing with babies now. I didn't plan on keeping the poults for very long. Though I'd love to. I hatched them during the CDM hatchathon. I like asking on here before I list on craigslist. I have 2 black spanish poults, 1 sweetgrass, 1 mix and 3 bourbon reds. I have no idea on sexes. They are a week old. I'm located near Harrisburg and York. And pics from tonight. They wouldn't stand still altogether :barnie I had poults scattered all over the place lol where in PA are you and what do you want for them. I just hatched 1 beltsville small white turkey and it might need some friends.
So in chicken news...we went to the mud sale in Honeybrook yesterday, how AWESOME!! got a meat bird enclosure for $5!! It's not int the best shape, but I think I can fix it up ~and I'm hoping to get the turkeys in there as my sister is coming to visit and this will buy me time to clean the poo off her stuff.

Annie, yes Lily is a goat (probably figured that out by now)
She is the Alpha in our herd and my special girl. The babies did well last night, the biggest one even slept off by himself~ he's HUGE by Nigerian Dwarf standards...
Thanks for all the great comments on the goat babies! My son caught the first 2, the third presented breech so I caught him. DH even helped out by tying and cutting cords! What an amazing day. Fisher, I'd like to say I slept well, but couldn't help checking on them repeatedly. Yes, they were all fine, apparently goats have been doing this for quite some time all on their own with absolutely no help from me what so ever. Go figure.

Stake, Bella thinks she's the Momma. My son got a video of her cleaning one of the boys and him trying to nurse from her. I wish I knew how to post the video.

Silkie, the girl is going to need some special attention she is quite small, I may call on you for advice on getting her on the bottle. We found that quite difficult last year.
Well... in Yogi news... our fellow is not smarter than the average bear! At 0130 this morning we heard the distinctive CLANG of the trap door banging shut.... we went out and found we had one very ticked off black bear caught! We secured the trap door (call us paranoid, but the way the bear was rocking the trap the door didn't look as safe as I would like). Game commission deputy was contacted early this morning and said they will be out to process the bear soon.
I am at work, but DH promised to try to get pics if they do anything at the house.... I expect they will tow the trap to the release point before they tranquilize and ear tag and inspect the bear, but hard to say what order they will do things...

Now we just have to hope it is a male bear... and that it was by itself!

Be careful with the grit....I lost a bird to an infected crop....the vet tech asked if I gave her grit....if your girls free range they will get all they need with out two cents....

Awesome day!!! 3 beautiful babies, 2 boys and a girl. Very tired here. sorry bad photos. camera battery died, these are from the phone

beautiful!!!!! congrats
[COLOR=0000FF]Thanks for all the great comments on the goat babies!  My son [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]caught the first 2, the third presented breech so I caught him.  DH even helped out by tying and cutting cords!  What an amazing day.   Fisher, I'd like to say I slept well, but couldn't help checking on them repeatedly.  Yes, they were all fine, apparently goats have been doing this for quite some time all on their own with absolutely no help from me what so ever.  Go figure.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Stake, Bella thinks she's the Momma.  My son got a video of her cleaning one of the boys and him trying to nurse from her.  I wish I knew how to post the video.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Silkie, the girl is going to need some special attention she is quite small, I may call on you for advice on getting her on the bottle.  We found that quite difficult last year.[/COLOR]

First suggestion: Don't use the big black rubber nipples. They have trouble getting ahold of those. The little red ones are a little mor expensive, but well worth it since they also screw on instead of slide on. Easier to get on the bottle & harder for baby to pull off. You can also use a human baby bottle nipple but it will ned an x cut in the end if it's not a cereal nipple. Make sure baby is good & hungry before trying to feed the first few times. They are much easier to get to eat if they are looking for any food they can find & don't care about the container. I also found sitting them in my lap & cradling their chin in my hand with the outside arm around their body helps hold them still & then other hand can slip bottle in the mouth once hrad is held still. Otherwise they try to butt the bottle.

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