Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Blarney, that's throwing down a challenge to claim Orps are the best. I've never owned an Orpington, but I'm pretty sure I'd prefer a Welsummer if I did have both . . .

A bit of trash talk....I've never had a welsummer but, I've had a bunch of orps...and for a byc, they'd be at the top of the of the friendliest breed out there...I think Americuna are people chooks two cents....(PS: if my lottery ticket pays off tonight, I'll have 100 of both!!!!!)
Thanks all.  It's amazing how many chicken owners there are around here, and I had no idea for all this time!

Out of curiosity, would anyone recommend - keeping in mind that I have zero experience with anything chicken related - trying to incubate some eggs instead of buying chicks?  If so, is an incubator something you can rent?  I haven't looked into this, just thinking on the fly after reading about all of the people who do their own hatching.

If you dont want to spend the money to get a new incubator and cant find a place to rent one. I have made a cooler bator. It is an incubator made out of a cooler. It works really well too. If you would like i can send you the directions on how to make one. Or if anyone else is interested.. :)
Blarney, that's throwing down a challenge to claim Orps are the best. I've never owned an Orpington, but I'm pretty sure I'd prefer a Welsummer if I did have both . . . :oops:

Speaking of Welsummers, that one that I hatched from your eggs is such a HAM! Between him (pretty sure that it's a him now) the little Rhodebar cockerel (Rosco the rascal) and the Ameraucanas, my hands get mobbed anytime I stick them in there lol. The Marans are still pretty stand offish along with the CCL and rhodebar pullet. I'm pretty sure I know which is which now but still, just a guess.

Hello, everyone! :) It's been quite a while since I was oN here. :) How have you all been?

Welcome back! Things have been great here though I have succumbed to chicken math and my flock has more than doubled since fall :oops:
Speaking of Welsummers, that one that I hatched from your eggs is such a HAM! Between him (pretty sure that it's a him now) the little Rhodebar cockerel (Rosco the rascal) and the Ameraucanas, my hands get mobbed anytime I stick them in there lol. The Marans are still pretty stand offish along with the CCL and rhodebar pullet. I'm pretty sure I know which is which now but still, just a guess.
I'm so glad they are doing well! I hatched a bunch of Ameracaunas and Marans this week. Someone bought up all the Ams within a day. One of the little blue ams posed so nicely for a pic, I need to get it and post it here.

I am totally enamored with the turkey poults, especially the first on to hatch, it has crooked toes on one foot and every time I put my hand in it rushes to peck at my fingers. Now I need a good name for a turkey -- I don't know the sex. Any suggestions?
I'm so glad they are doing well! I hatched a bunch of Ameracaunas and Marans this week. Someone bought up all the Ams within a day. One of the little blue ams posed so nicely for a pic, I need to get it and post it here.

I am totally enamored with the turkey poults, especially the first on to hatch, it has crooked toes on one foot and every time I put my hand in it rushes to peck at my fingers. Now I need a good name for a turkey -- I don't know the sex. Any suggestions?

I'm so glad they are doing well! I hatched a bunch of Ameracaunas and Marans this week. Someone bought up all the Ams within a day. One of the little blue ams posed so nicely for a pic, I need to get it and post it here.

I am totally enamored with the turkey poults, especially the first on to hatch, it has crooked toes on one foot and every time I put my hand in it rushes to peck at my fingers. Now I need a good name for a turkey -- I don't know the sex. Any suggestions?

Franklin or Benjamin
You've gotten a lot of responses, but I see that one vital piece of information is missing. ORPINGTONS are the very best breed of chicken.


Chester County Extension has incubators that they loan out to classroom and such, I'll bet you could borrow one.


My orpington was a sweety, until the fox got her. Would like another eventually. Rent or borrow an incubator?! How come I've never thought of that? Definitely filing that one in the brain rolodex for later....

* edited: sweety instead of sweaty. :lol:

I've heard that said, but right now my only white one blends in with the snow!


Blarney, that's throwing down a challenge to claim Orps are the best. I've never owned an Orpington, but I'm pretty sure I'd prefer a Welsummer if I did have both . . . :oops:

I can't say which is the best breed of chicken, I haven't tried them all yet...but I'm working on it. ;)

I'm so glad they are doing well! I hatched a bunch of Ameracaunas and Marans this week. Someone bought up all the Ams within a day. One of the little blue ams posed so nicely for a pic, I need to get it and post it here.

I am totally enamored with the turkey poults, especially the first on to hatch, it has crooked toes on one foot and every time I put my hand in it rushes to peck at my fingers. Now I need a good name for a turkey -- I don't know the sex. Any suggestions?

Snood! (I just love that word!) But I think the most appropriate name for it so far is "You're so cute and I'm already attached so I could never imagine eating you so I'll just keep you as a breeder..." :smack
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