Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

pretty :)
Right now breeds I am considering.....
Swedish Flower Hens
BLR and SL Wyandotte
[COLOR=383838]Isbar [/COLOR]
Maybe [COLOR=333333]Orpingtons[/COLOR]

Nice list. Looks like you are interested in a wide range of egg color? Many of these are on my list to acquire!

Two things as a fellow newbie. 1. Confirm that the breeds and who you are buying from say that they are more docile. For instance Delawares are described as a calm bird, but if you read customer reviews the Delawares from mypetchicken have a reputation for being little hellions. I feel that it takes a bit to get confident with birds and the calm ones make it easier. I just want you to enjoy your birds rather than feel overwhelmed.

2. My part of the sate (Erie) has had horrible below zero cold snaps the past two years. The smaller the comb the less likely to get frostbite.

Can't wait to hear what you pick out! Good luck!
Romeo proved his worth as a good rooster last night. He's a little bald and looking a bit ragged, but doesn't appear to have any actual injuries and all the girls are safe and accounted for.
Romeo proved his worth as a good rooster last night. He's a little bald and looking a bit ragged, but doesn't appear to have any actual injuries and all the girls are safe and accounted for.

wow Em what went after them? and so glad all of them are ok!
I can't wait!
I'll have a little black dutch bantam/bantam cochin cockerel with me for sale....

ETA: It is pretty big, and you need to get there at the crack of dawn. I'm not kidding either. That joint is hoppin when the sun comes up. I usually come a little late, but I feel like this one will be HUGE so I'm getting there earlier than ever. Beware though, people sell sick animals. I bought a bantam cochin, noticed when I was loading it into the car that she didn't look well, and sure enough her face was puffy/nose running. I returned her, and the guy was offended but eventually gave me my money back. Be mindful of biosecurity upon returning home. I take my shoes off before I get out the car and carry them in, and then get a shower/change clothes as soon as I get inside. My shoes get bleached too.
Thanks for the info! Btw, I am very near you, right outside of Apollo in Parks Township.
wow Em what went after them? and so glad all of them are ok!

Not sure.. we've lost a lot of birds this summer to predators, it totally sucks. Now that the younger chickens are getting older (Romeo just started trying to mate with one of them, no eggs yet though) and all integrated in the same coop/run he seems to finally have an interest in looking out for the entire flock instead of just his original girls.

The attack is my fault really, we still have two young birds that need to be captured and physically put in the coop every night because they insist on roosting in trees. I didn't do it last night because it was too late when we got home from 4-H and the kids were crabby and needed to be put to bed too. So I left the run door open last night too and I guess I'm glad I did otherwise our last Delaware (who roosts in the tree in the run) would probably have been taken. I'm guessing Romeo heard something outside and came out to investigate and took on whatever was out there. Whatever it was got him cornered behind the scratch grains tub where it plucked out half of his back feathers and some tail feathers but apparently couldn't reach him enough to do any serious damage. He did his job protecting his girls and I know that I need to make sure to catch the last two hens every night so I can lock up the coop properly.

In other news, our tom turkey is trying to mate with his girls now. He was all puffed up yesterday and doing a little dance before he did the deed. I assume this means the hens are reaching maturity as well... what does that mean in terms of eggs? Do I need to do anything for them?
YES YES YES!!! :weee I can't wait! :ya I'll have a little black dutch bantam/bantam cochin cockerel with me for sale....

ETA: It is pretty big, and you need to get there at the crack of dawn. I'm not kidding either. That joint is hoppin when the sun comes up. I usually come a little late, but I feel like this one will be HUGE so I'm getting there earlier than ever. Beware though, people sell sick animals. I bought a bantam cochin, noticed when I was loading it into the car that she didn't look well, and sure enough her face was puffy/nose running. I returned her, and the guy was offended but eventually gave me my money back. Be mindful of biosecurity upon returning home. I take my shoes off before I get out the car and carry them in, and then get a shower/change clothes as soon as I get inside. My shoes get bleached too.

Thanks for the info! Btw, I am very near you, right outside of Apollo in Parks Township. 

No way! My dad and I go groundhog hunting in Parks Township!

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