Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

FYI, the 'chicken train' will be departing Beaver County this Friday and heading east to the Lehigh Valley area via the turnpike. Return trip is Monday if anybody needs anything transported in either direction. There will be 4 bantams (3 roos, 1 hen) riding the train who are still in need of a home if anyone is interested. ;)
[@=]@Sally Sunshine[/@]. Thanks and yes you do need some......specially with an empty run already for them :lol:

Going to send him some info on them later!
Good to see you back, Sally[
Cuteness alert!

One of our pencil hens hatched out a clutch today...
Mindy watching and trying to count them I think!

They don't stay still very long!




I think Mindy is still trying to figure out how to sneak them into the house so she can watch them all the time! LOL
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@Auroradream26. How do you get your turkeys to go back inside there "coop" after letting them out to play and eat bugs? After there quarantine I would like to be able to free range the turkeys with the chickens.

My turkeys are easy lol. I grab their food dish and they follow me to the garage while I fill it up a little and then right into the coop for the night. They chow down then hop up on the roost for the night.


They are extremely tame though (at the very least, my head Tom is) and they follow me everywhere when I'm outside. I even have a hard time getting Adam to get off me so I cam go do other stuff. He likes nothing more than to snuggle up on my lap lol.

Today, on our way home from the bus stop, we saw a wild turkey hen wandering around near the road just around the corner from our house. The kids panicked because they thought Sweet Pea had wandered that far from our house on get own lol. She's part eastern wild (so I've been told) but I didn't realize how much she looked like a wild turkey until today. Of course, I don't have a good picture lol.

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