Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Are there any beavers in Beaver Co? Or butlers in Butler Co ?
We have bucks in bucks county!
Your poor Hosta are taking a beating! We lost most of ours at camp to Elk grazing, they don't care if it is solid or varigated though! :barnie Your birds are looking great! Gotta love their 'the higher the better' attitudes, seems they are always looking to get up on something!
The hosta is just a new "frizzle" variety! Thanks, my girls are elk spoiled. If I had to keep them in a run for a day they'd probably stage a protest.
The ducklings got to try lettuce today. One of them did not seem to care for it, but did play with a piece of the hard white stuff. After getting their fill, they put themselves to bed. :love They are growing so big, so fast! They are so darn cute, and have so much personality! I can't get over how different they are they than any of my chickens or turkeys! I can't wait to eat them! :drool
What variety are they? How would you say they are different? And what does duck taste like? I've never had it before.
Thanks. :) Yes, just odd, lol. They seem strong though,just bald.
I would tend to agree with Fisherlady. It may just be some kind of growing pains that they will grow out of. We expect pics of their progress! ;)
Well, we were working on some minor construction projects around the coop this afternoon, we were using the porch as a bench for tools, the dogs were napping in the sun... I didn't realize until I stepped over to grab another tool that it wasn't just the dogs enjoying the sunny porch.... I froze in place and told DH to get out his phone quick and snap a picture.... How do you know your birds trust your dog? When you see one using them for a pillow! LOL
That's awesome! I always love when ,y dog is waiting for snacks with the chickens around her. Everyone begs together here! People are always amazed that my dog (a rescued pit bull mix) runs around the yard with the chickens, and even chicks, with no problems. Learned it all from th dog whisperer!
ok folks my turn for the photo bomb BC Marans boy BCMarans girl CCL Boy Getting a new phone soon hope it helps my picture taking..,
Looks great Stake! Nice close up!
I am in western Bucks County, near Montgomery County. I am only able to transport the birds themselves. I am hoping to put my homemade coop up for free on Craigslist to get rid of it until we get our new place. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears. I have a couple months to think about what I can do.
Oh my! She dos look a bit overwhelmed. Those are some big babies! Love the pictures!
It looks like Bulter is only 2 hours away, at least the Butler near Wilkes Barre. Is there another?
I'm in southeast berks, close to Montgomery. We're probably not that far away from each other
My father has the truck and trailer so I'll have to see what he's up to, might be able to haul everything in one go and just plop it in my yard away from my coop cluster. I think it would be easier on the hens to stay in a familiar place. Would be a spectacle to put 7-8 grown hens in my little coupe car (not that I wouldn't do something like that LOL)

The ducklings got to try lettuce today. One of them did not seem to care for it, but did play with a piece of the hard white stuff. After getting their fill, they put themselves to bed.

They are growing so big, so fast! They are so darn cute, and have so much personality! I can't get over how different they are they than any of my chickens or turkeys! I can't wait to eat them!
You're EATING them?

Daddy was a naked neck
that is a classic naked neck look. I have several NN pullets coming next month (I love them)

Well, we were working on some minor construction projects around the coop this afternoon, we were using the porch as a bench for tools, the dogs were napping in the sun... I didn't realize until I stepped over to grab another tool that it wasn't just the dogs enjoying the sunny porch.... I froze in place and told DH to get out his phone quick and snap a picture....

How do you know your birds trust your dog? When you see one using them for a pillow! LOL

What variety are they? How would you say they are different? And what does duck taste like? I've never had it before.
They are supposedly Pekin. I kinda believe it, but time will tell.
They were ready for the outside without heat at three weeks. I knew because they were sleeping away from the heat lamp (60 watt) at two weeks. When Fisherlady brought them back to me, she confirmed that they were outside the whole day. That night (40's) I kept going out until midnight. No sound.
They are bold enough to run after the adults (23 counting the 9-week-old chicks) their first day. The older chicks had only been out in the run with the adults for a week!
The ducklings put themselves to bed by the third day.

I have never had duck meat. I am sure to have some drakes, so it is inevitable that I will be processing some. I am told it is like the dark meat of a chicken. I am doing my best to ignore that stuff. When people tell me what something will taste like, I get nervous. I usually like it only after I forget what I was told (to date, that includes; fresh eggs, fresh chicken and fresh turkey).

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