Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hello I'm fairly new to Backyard chickens and this would be my first post in the Pennsylvania area beings that I am from Clearfield PA. I have spoken with motorcycle chick and mentioned to her that I was getting a small Coop from Tractor Supply. I ordered 3 Rhode Island Reds from Agway and they are supposed to be female pullets. I have noticed that two of them are developing wing and tail feathers simultaneously. Whereas the runt is barely growing wing feathers and no tail feathers at all. Could anybody possibly explain this to me. They all seem healthy beings they are 9 days old and eating very well. Thank you Butch I tried uploading photos but my smartphone is not so smart and backyard chicken apps keeps crashing
Probably a slow maturing pullet :)
I watched one climb a tree and go into a hole once. Was pretty neat to watch even though I despise the slithering nasty beasts.

Just had to comment on the snake/spider thing. I don't mind snakes but I'm not happy when I walk or the garage door and see a big one sitting there. We have a 5 gallon bucket with holes drilled all through it, specifically for catching and relocating them.

Now spiders are a totally different story. I HATE spiders! I anyways look around the coop before I crawl in it to clean it and I've still been surprised by the occasional wolf slider in there. The worst event though was while spring wood with my husband, I saw something on my shoulder, thought it was a chunk of wood, knocked it off and then saw it crawling around. HUGE wolf spider. I avoided that part of the driveway for a while because it disappeared and we didn't get it killed. Hubby thought it was hilarious. I have no clue how long it was on me. Bleh!
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Hello, My name is An, and I am a chickaholic.
I merely can not, walk past baby chicks with out purchasing one, two, etc...I was to only have three, I am up to 15
. I succumb to chicken newest editions. 4 Ameraucanas, all though I am not sure they are true Ameraucanas. ANy way to really tell at this age?

I placed them in the same brooder with my 1 month old silkie chicks, not knowing what would happen. I am new to silkies, and have read time and time again how gentle they are. There were a few chick pecks in the 1st hour. But now, my silkies snuggle with them and keep them warm. They seem almost motherly to the new addition, even though they are just babes themselves. Its so adorable to watch.

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Just had to comment on the snake/spider thing. I don't mind snakes but I'm not happy when I walk or the garage door and see a big one sitting there. We have a 5 gallon bucket with holes drilled all through it, specifically for catching and relocating

I'm not afraid of snakes, just seem to jump because I'm not expecting them.

When I used to rock climb years ago I went for a hand hold and there was a big black snake stunning where I needed to put my hand. I took off my shirt, tied it into a bag, put him in it, tucked the shirt in my belt, finished the climb then released him.
I'm not afraid of snakes, just seem to jump because I'm not expecting them.

When I used to rock climb years ago I went for a hand hold and there was a big black snake stunning where I needed to put my hand. I took off my shirt, tied it into a bag, put him in it, tucked the shirt in my belt, finished the climb then released him.
I'm not afraid of snakes, just seem to jump because I'm not expecting them.

When I used to rock climb years ago I went for a hand hold and there was a big black snake stunning where I needed to put my hand. I took off my shirt, tied it into a bag, put him in it, tucked the shirt in my belt, finished the climb then released him.

Thank you for doing that! I don't love snakes, by any means....but I do have a great respect for their position in the ecosystem. I certainly don't want them as a pet or in our coops, but having them around the area helps with controlling the varmit population. I do my best to relocate them if found and usually they don't care to hang around when they start being harassed by humans and dogs. As a kid I routinely relocated copperheads and black snakes from the yard around our house, I was always scared they would bite one of my dogs or cats or younger one ever got bit so I guessed it worked , at least in my younger


My handy hubby has begun construction on what we call the "Chicken Palace". Since we are not free ranging, we needed a larger space for our flock. Hopefully it gets finished sooner rather than later, but he keeps coming up with all kinds of ideas!! I may need to rein him in a bit to get a usable structure complete now, and plan for grand additions later!!

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