Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I just saw this on Facebook. How ironic!

They are growing. I don't have them on meat bird feed, so they are growing much slower than my Bourbons did a few years ago. They are happy though. I don't have to keep them in a pen yet.
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They are growing. I don't have them on meat bird feed, so they are growing much slower than my Bourbons did a few years ago. They are happy though. I don't have to keep them in a pen yet.

They look great! I think you were right, 1 boy and 2 girls. The girls look really light so they're probably going to be buff like their daddy.

whats that darker one?

Red bronze


I never knew this before .

The processing is done. I think I get at least a C... I hope! LOL! Getting into what I was saying to Fisherlady made skinning easier. I just ripped that skin right off! Not that I should have done it, but it was easier! :lol:
Six boys got done. There is one that has gotten leery of me. He will probably live until the next batch. If not, I think I can get the job done now.

Congrats! I hope to do that one day, but I know it will be hard. Worth it, yes, but challenging.

You are very welcome!!

It was just a good excuse to get to visit with you, the butchering lesson was the fringe benefit, lol

Okay, now that we all know you're an expert, you get to teach classes.

I just saw this on Facebook. How ironic!


Typical BS from people who give the term 'animal rights activists' A bad name... I have no time to waste on folks with this level of extreme mentality.

That's so goofy. Yes, they have been bred to lay more, but that's why they are fed a high protein feed with extra calcium and nutrients. Reminds me of when my avian vet said she considered "spaying" her chickens so they could live a longer life. Oh dear.... :rolleyes:

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