Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So my one chick that had a hard time hatching isn't doing well at all. She is not able t stand very well and was still N the nest box, while the rest of the chicks were out. She wasn't moving much yesterday, but I had figured she was just overheated and sleepy.

I moved her out the nest box, but she can't seem to stand very well or lift her head for long at all. I gave her some sugar water and nutridrench in a dropper. Anything else I can do?

I hate to be a jerk, but if she is going to require babying, I don't really want to do that right now, especially if she isn't going to make it. Any advice?
So the goslings have decided that they like being sprayed by the hose lol. We put the nozzel on shower and just spray them down and they just lay down in it and nibble at the water until they're totally soaked. It's hilarious and cute :)

@AnneInTheBurbs you may have to cull it then. Even if you get him healthy and moving again, he'll most likely bond to you and not the Mama. You could try giving him a dose of selenium and vitamin E but is a long shot.
So my one chick that had a hard time hatching isn't doing well at all. She is not able t stand very well and was still N the nest box, while the rest of the chicks were out. She wasn't moving much yesterday, but I had figured she was just overheated and sleepy.

I moved her out the nest box, but she can't seem to stand very well or lift her head for long at all. I gave her some sugar water and nutridrench in a dropper. Anything else I can do?

I hate to be a jerk, but if she is going to require babying, I don't really want to do that right now, especially if she isn't going to make it. Any advice?
You aren't a jerk. Modern medicine has us thinking everyone and everything must live no matter how poor the quality of life. Do what Aurora says. :hugs
Its so cool! Im worried its the only one....
Why? It has the mom for company and integrating if that's it.
Things are going great here. Kind of over-run with chicks. It is hard to cut back on setting eggs because I have so many now that are interesting/valuable. If you are running low on chicks, let me know!!

BTW, I'm still using a large coolerbator, based on your ideas like the giant cooler from Walmart, for all my hatches. It works great for up to about 100 eggs. I just pulled 5 ducklings and 5 poults from there a few minutes ago.
lol I have a plenty here too! I need to stop too, I am doing good but the serama keep heading into the bators I just dont have the heart to eat them boogers!

@dheltzel , @Auroradream26 I think ALL of the eggs hatched out under my broodies! I didn't find any unhatched eggs, but found lots of egg shells. Amazing, especially since they were all playing musical chairs. :lol: So far they are all cooperating, although the poor girls are so hot tonight!

Interesting night tonight. My rooster started challenging the Tom turkey. It did not go well for the rooster, and the Tom continued to pursue him until I broke it up. I did see some blood on the turkeys beak (from the Roo), but when I checked the rooster over, he just seemed to have marks on his comb and wattles. I will have to keep a close eye on them.

So sad and miffed tonight. :hit The neighbor's cat got my midget white baby turkey. I only had one hatch, and he nabbed it. It must have been separated, because there are smaller Langshan chicks, but he didn't bother them. I am so annoyed. He is an outdoor cat, but it is not fair that he comes onto my property to kill my animals. I needed that turkey to replace the two that I lost this year. I am also nervous, because I have the other turkeys that are due to hatch in a week, and I don't know if I can fuse them to the broody turkey, or if she can protect them.

I feel bad saying anything because my neighbor is in a wheelchair, so she probably can't restrain the cat. She does have a boyfriend who lives with her, but he is not very friendly. Any suggestions on how to deal with this without ticking off my neighbors? This is the same one who I asked them to put a bell on his collar, which they did. Apparently it didn't help as much as I had hoped. They said the cat is an outdoor cat. :he
I am sorry about the poult and the cat ughhhhh

The big one is Nubian and the little one is a Nubian pygmy mix. Heres our new guy. Hes super friendly to us but having a hard time with the other goats.
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squeeelzzzzz I love my goatieeeessss we have nigerian dwarfs! waiting for babies whenever they decide to arrive!!! we have to sell all the babies as I only want to milk our girls but its still exciting!

hello there stranger :hugs :frow
So the goslings have decided that they like being sprayed by the hose lol. We put the nozzel on shower and just spray them down and they just lay down in it and nibble at the water until they're totally soaked. It's hilarious and cute :)

@AnneInTheBurbs you may have to cull it then. Even if you get him healthy and moving again, he'll most likely bond to you and not the Mama. You could try giving him a dose of selenium and vitamin E but is a long shot.

Best way to cull? :(
I candled the broody eggs. A blood ring, and the other is heavy. I thought I heard it peep. It's green, and too dark to see into.
I would leave the green one another day or so then...

Hello! I have been neglecting my computer recently...too many irons in the fire so quick stop ins have been all I have done. It should be improving though, the boat is at camp now with only a few small projects left to finish it and my work schedule is improving since I finished my Pediatric Advanced Life Support class yesterday so no more con ed classes till fall :celebrate

The goats are Adorable!
Best way to cull? :(

Decapitation if it is a chick... I am sorry, it sucks no matter how much you know it is the right thing to do. :hugs
Heading to camp so DH is driving and I took the chance to upload pictures I took today. We have 4 hens with chicks from 1 day -8 weeks old and 4 hens parked on eggs or waiting for eggs.
A few snaps from today...
Newest addition, a 7 month old Silver Pencil hen with her first hatch, she has 4 SPR chicks, with the 4th out just before we left for camp...

Gracie hatched 5/5 on Tuesday... she is now teaching them about scratch and goodies....

The Lavender Americaunas are taking over the yard, and they are not shy about begging...and doesn't every chick have a dog to climb on when a better view is Needed?


Goldie striking a pose...

And assorted silkie chick pic...

Mindy knew there were chicks hatching....

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