Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about stake. :(
I still see Sally, Missy, Chad, and wingstone on fb. Blarney, heatherscooby, troyer, ladyhawk are members of the poultry club, so I see them regularly!
You should stop by the poultry show in the fall!! Even if you don’t show, there is plenty to do! No charge to park or come in & look around. There’s a sale area (no enablers, i swear!), raffle table with neat chicken items, vendors, breeder’s auction with birds from well known breeders (again, not enabling), chicken poop bingo, food and a chicken quiz for kids. Along with a rabbit show in the same building! Oh, and you can come see some of your old BYC friends!!

It sounds like a good show. I'm considering bringing some birds to the show IF I can perfect doing blood draws to test my own birds. I took the poultry technician course but haven't done the field part yet. I'm having a tough time drawing blood lol
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about stake. :(
I still see Sally, Missy, Chad, and wingstone on fb. Blarney, heatherscooby, troyer, ladyhawk are members of the poultry club, so I see them regularly!
You should stop by the poultry show in the fall!! Even if you don’t show, there is plenty to do! No charge to park or come in & look around. There’s a sale area (no enablers, i swear!), raffle table with neat chicken items, vendors, breeder’s auction with birds from well known breeders (again, not enabling), chicken poop bingo, food and a chicken quiz for kids. Along with a rabbit show in the same building! Oh, and you can come see some of your old BYC friends!!

May just have to do that, sounds like a good show! Tell everyone on FB I said "hello"... I don't have an account.
It sounds like a good show. I'm considering bringing some birds to the show IF I can perfect doing blood draws to test my own birds. I took the poultry technician course but haven't done the field part yet. I'm having a tough time drawing blood lol

What part do you have trouble with? Finding sites or the needlework itself? I have 30 yrs of IV needlework on the job, so may be able to help you practice if you want me to stop by some day when the weather permits.
What part do you have trouble with? Finding sites or the needlework itself? I have 30 yrs of IV needlework on the job, so may be able to help you practice if you want me to stop by some day when the weather permits.

Thanks, I may take you up on that lol. I know the vein, I can find it and I'm pretty sure I'm getting the needle in to it. I just can't seem to pull the plunger back and get anything in the tube. I haven't tried in a while since it's been so cold out (I don't do cold well) but plan to start trying again soon.
Here is a question for you experienced people. Will a hen ever seriously injure another hen? I lost Iris a couple weeks ago. Her necropsy showed the old injuries from the September poodle attack, but what killed her was internal bleeding--trachea and spleen. No predators, and she lived a quiet life in the coop and fenced in run. My son had checked on everyone in the afternoon, but before sunset I found her dead in the coop. She was one of my top two hens, and I was/am baffled. The vet thought maybe she fell, but her wings were clipped and she was a fat girl.
Yesterday, I saw for the first time ever my gold laced wyandotte going at it with one of my orpingtons--and I mean it was the closest thing I have ever seen to cock fight in real life--feet up and hackles raised. It didn't last long after I ran in there...but I wonder....the wyandotte was second in the pecking order--very friendly to everyone --not aggressive to the babies who are finally getting outside and she was literally half the size of Iris. Everyone has been together since DECEMBER and I am VERY careful about quarantine and introductions. Could the wyandotte have caused the death of Iris?

I would say yes, a hen fight can cause serious and even potentially fatal injuries. It is not always the number of injuries, a single, well placed kick can rupture a spleen or cause trauma to a trachea. Is it most likely, maybe not, but freak happenings can certainly occur. And although a bird may lack size the smaller birds are usually much more nimble and able to jump higher and kick out better in the process.
The other possibility is that a relatively minor skirmish over a preferred roosting spot resulted in her loosing her balance and falling, possibly striking against an edge of something in the process. I have seen birds try to grab a roost board with their beak when they fall, misjudging that grab could result in damage to the throat area.
Thank you Fisherlady...I had no idea! RIP pretty Iris. I actually was relieved that her necropsy showed no sign of the multiple problems that caused Daffodil to die. I need another partridge orp now! --BTW--the Birthday Splash I got from Blarney is growing nicely, and eating from my hand. Pictures of her soon!
Lawrence and Iris.jpg

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