Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Been feeling like this..forever. Seems like it anyway:rolleyes: .
On a positive note,been able to catch up on movie watching for sure!:lol: Haven't watched so much in a long time & doing a lot of computering:caf, yes, that is a technical word, hahaha , the things we do to pass the time. Then we wonder, "where has all the time gone?".:old
Hope you are keeping warm & well Sharron.
sometimes i get up and turn the computer on, down here, can't turn the tv on without waking husband up so just just the computer and make a cup of coffee or tea and drink it while waiting to get sleepy again
warmer down here, even robins are down here right now:lau
sometimes i get up and turn the computer on, down here, can't turn the tv on without waking husband up so just just the computer and make a cup of coffee or tea and drink it while waiting to get sleepy again
warmer down here, even robins are down here right now:lau

DH has ear plugs..I kid you not!:gig
I ask him, "am I too loud?", he says ,"nope" & puts those little squishy things in his ears, rolls over and all is good.;)
He understands, has issues of his own...don't we all?!:old
It is freezing here!!! Wind is howling and the temp (without wind chill) is -3. So so so glad I put the chickens in the garage. They are comfortable, and laying more eggs! AND I don't have to venture outside to care for them! They will go back to their coop this Saturday when it finally warms up.

I hope you are all keeping warm and safe in this weather.
I am hibernating since I got home from work at 0730 this morning. Not looking forward to tomorrow morning when I go back for another 24hr shift in this weather. :th

It is right about 0° here now with howling wind. A few birds are out in the covered run dusting in the pits we set up for them but most are sitting inside like bumps on a log. Thank goodness for heated waterers!
DH has ear plugs..I kid you not!:gig
I ask him, "am I too loud?", he says ,"nope" & puts those little squishy things in his ears, rolls over and all is good.;)
He understands, has issues of his own...don't we all?!:old
yes we do, husband gets up and goes to the bathroom and i never hear him but if he doesn't come back within a reasonable time i wake up, so used to having him beside me:idunno
time to get this rear end in gear & get those jars full of veggie soup to can them up.
Made the soup yesterday, canning it today. Have to break these things up into stages anymore, it gets done, just takes more time.
the only soup i can is mil's tomato soup, never had anything like it til i ate her recipe and i love it, has quite the tomato "bite" since no sugar unless you want to add sugar
she taught me how to can or freeze everything

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