Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

yes, if you want other veggies, we didn't, just tomatoes, celery, bell pepper and onions
have to warn you, habit forming, you think just one bowl and end up eating the whole quart:drool
good luck with grandbaby
husband caught a coon last night, trying to figure out what to do with it, it hasn't done anything here but eat the fish food on the dock:confused:
There should be a pest control in your area, or local wildlife group, that you can call to come get it. Tell them it was in your garbage or something and they can take care of it. Seems to me that pest control is more active in florida because of the exotic snakes and alligator issues.
There should be a pest control in your area, or local wildlife group, that you can call to come get it. Tell them it was in your garbage or something and they can take care of it. Seems to me that pest control is more active in florida because of the exotic snakes and alligator issues.
we just took him off to the woods, if he comes back, it will take months at least, put him out beside a creek
I’m washing blankets and comforters today, so I can hang them on the line. :highfive:

Wish I could, still have a foot-ish of snow still hanging around under the wash lines.
Plus we had doctors appt. this morning..2 hours later we were testing, no anything...just waiting:he...was 1:00 when we got home:barnie
I did manage to make spaghetti sauce. Will can it up tomorrow IF the body doesn't protest.:old

So the other veggies were soft chunks in the soup? sounds wonderful.

In other news, it's a week to my first grandbaby's due date.

In chicken news, 3 of the girls are now laying. The 2 new ones have not yet.

You must be so excited!:wee:love Do you know..girl or boy?
Glad you are getting some eggs.
Our girls are still not interested in laying right now, get 1 or 2 every couple days, takes a week + to get a dozen. Totally hoarding & treating them like gold now!

DH & I were talking last night about chicks and all that...we decided to just get pullets and be done with it. We will still get meat-chicks for Cordon to hatch/raise, she is good at it & saves us the issues.
So now I just have to make up my mind what breeds are going to decorate the yard this year;), there are so many I would love to experience raising. All have such different personalities.
I'm a Perry County Chicken Lover!!!

Of course the ONE nice day we have, a chicken gets attacked by a peregrine falcon! Hubby thought she was dead but I went and picked her up and realized she was still breathing. I put her in an isolation pen in my garage to rest and recover. Didn't think she would make it, but happy to report she seems to be better. No visible wounds but she walks as if injured somewhere. Poor chickens. Now they will have to remain locked up until the trees have enough leaves for cover...

Side note - WHYYYY are falcons and hawks still protected?!?! There's SO many around here! It's worse this year :he
Of course the ONE nice day we have, a chicken gets attacked by a peregrine falcon! Hubby thought she was dead but I went and picked her up and realized she was still breathing. I put her in an isolation pen in my garage to rest and recover. Didn't think she would make it, but happy to report she seems to be better. No visible wounds but she walks as if injured somewhere. Poor chickens. Now they will have to remain locked up until the trees have enough leaves for cover...

Side note - WHYYYY are falcons and hawks still protected?!?! There's SO many around here! It's worse this year :he

I'm sorry for the attack :( I hope she makes a full recovery!
LMP - the kids decided to not know gender themselves until birth. Old school. So everything I've been making for Nugget is unisex.

connecting all the 288 squares and weaving in all the ends is a pain but worth it.

WOW!!, that is truly awesome:love
Love the that little fox!
Little nugget has such a crafty grammy :D, so exciting to think about all the wonderful new ideas & adventures you will show your little nugget. Gardening, crafts, cooking-canning & of course chickens!:jumpy

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