Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

well, My Mother in law ended up getting me 5 instead of 4!! (secretly I am delighted)

I got 2 Amerucanas, 2 Delawares (not blues *sighs* apparently they are more rare than i thought), and 1 Lavender Orp!!! She is gorgeous! (she just might be my show bird ha ha)

Pictures to come!
Cynazar, I did not know that we weren't supposed to reveal personal information. I've even seen people list their phone numbers. I am glad you've told me this.
You're welcome. I figured I'd re-read the rules again before posting since it's been years since I was on here last.

Here's the link:
Rule #9 Do not post overly personal information like your phone number, address, age (especially if you are a minor) or any other personal info you don't want the whole world to see.

It makes sense because the forums can be accessed and viewed by anyone who has a computer, and there are some real scum bags out there!!

Uh oh Blarney~if your hubby is NOT able to attend it might be dangerous for you to sit with me at Green Dragon...I am an awesome enabler, LOL!!!

Rodriguez, you are cracking me up! You are coming to Green Dragon, right?? DH has surgery on Friday, I'm counting on him being ok enough for me to leave him and be at the sale. HE thinks he's coming along because he is familiar with my bid phobia and wants to bid for me.
LMAO! You all gotta start migrating this way. It looks as though I'll be going by myself! *Someone had better come find me when I get lost!!!*

I've got birds that have GOT to go and nobody up this way is buying. I've got someone that may be purchasing them, but if they're not gone by Saturday, they're yours. Do you want photos of them?

Glad to see you are coming down to the auction!
So we have chickens, obviously. be more precise, my darling BF lovingly allows me to have chickens and puts up with my obsession. I have wanted chickens for approximately 10 years. I moved in with him in September. He has owned this house since 1986. Raised his children here. Has what is that, 26 years of accumulated....stuff, yes, stuff, that's the word I'm looking for. Up until a few weeks ago, his daughter and 5 grandchildren lived with us. In our diningroom, we have built in bookshelves. We were sitting in the dining room this evening, and I noticed something pink on one of the bookshelves, it turned out to be a cup from some kids snack (lord knows how long that was there). So I got a bug that I was going to start cleaning those shelves. So we pulled all the books off, and I handed them to him in stacks to decide if they were keep, trash, or ebay/freecycle. Low and behold we find "The Family Poultry Flock" (1984). I just sat on the floor laughing at him. Obviously, he'd thought about poultry long before I came along, I was just the impetus for him to actually get them!
Blarney, I'm having Lavender Orp Girl hatch this batch for me. She's going to deliver the new chickies fluffy and dry around June 1st. So if you decide you want some, just let me know before then. But, when my other breeds start laying I'll give you a shout.
Aeropennchick, I'm sure I'll have a roo for you, but the drive isn't too close. I'll let you know when I get them if you're still interested.

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