people harassing my chickens

I agree that a note to the parents might be in order. But, you should not depend on it getting home with the kids. It should go in the mail, or the district wide news letter, perhaps in an upbeat: This is what we are doing: We are providing a flock of chickens that can teach our children valuable lessons (insert how the bird's care can be used to teach math skills, science, reading) as well as compassion, animal husbandry. Finish with a note that there have been some issues with the birds being mistreated, and it would be a shame to loose this valuable educational opportunity for the kids.
A message was sent out, a lock was put in place, and a notice has been stapled to the coop.
Except right before all this protection happened, someone threw a chicken onto the roof of the greenhouse. This is animal abuse and I'm very angry.
I worked at a high school for 28 years, and yes people of all ages can be cruel and ignorant. If you have a local Humane Society or ASPCA in your area, I would contact them. They may be able to present some type of event at your school to educate and alert all students about animal cruelty. It's typical for a young person that is cruel to animals, to grow up and continue that cruelty to people. If the chickens are not safe there you must move them. You can also set up a trail cam to get photos of the problem kids. Then, the Principal can deal with them.
So sorry this has happened, but those chickens are lucky you are there for them!
@Chickassan no, but by parents that don't WATCH or Teach their kids !

I have a whole neighborhood of them :( They throw rocks at the wild turkeys and such. I yell at them. They throw shit at my house. I now have cameras.

I can't wait till I catch one doing something and I am calling the police. no point talking to the parents.

I would take the chickens out of there ASAP !
Raised by wolves,i rest my case.:lau
@Chickassan no, but by parents that don't WATCH or Teach their kids !

I have a whole neighborhood of them :( They throw rocks at the wild turkeys and such. I yell at them. They throw shit at my house. I now have cameras.

I can't wait till I catch one doing something and I am calling the police. no point talking to the parents.

I would take the chickens out of there ASAP !
Geez,were these kids raised by wolves?

Where we used to live, there was a high school about 1/2 mile away, the next nearest high school in one direction is 7 miles, while there is also one in the opposite direction that is 7.7 miles away. Right at 2,400 students attend each of the 3 high schools. In that small of a radius, there are 7,200 high school students. A lot of them know one another, since every couple of years they redistrict the schools to balance out the number of students per school. The vast majority of these kids are latchkey kids, meaning their parents work, and are gone the typical 9 - 6 giving the kids a lot of time without any adult supervision. Few, and far between are the families where the husband works, and the wife stays at home to care for the kids.

The Ag departments at the high schools had horrible problems protecting their livestock. They built nice barns, and set it up to house all the livestock in them at night, and over weekends, to no avail. The older kids were breaking locks, bringing power tools to cut openings, etc. and they were seriously abusing, and/or killing the livestock. It wasn't just the barn being broken into. They were breaking into the school to steal computers, microscopes, audio/video equipment, etc. They installed cameras, motion sensor alarms, etc. That worked at first, but the kids got smarter at breaking in. Now they have Resource Officers 24/7 on the school grounds.

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