people!!!!!! RANT

TK Poultry

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Greencastle, Indiana
i love it when people are mean it makes you feel like crap do you know what goes through there mine b4 they say some things???!!! o well idk i just hate it when people do that and just makes themselves sound like a-holes!!!!! ugh idk some peoples comments just make me want to give up on the whole poultry thing
i just kinda want to quit what an attitude right but idk i kinda do i mean everyone cant be the best and everyone knows that and some peoples "constructive" critisism hurts and isnt very constructive!!!!
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As you get older you will learn to take what people say with a grain of salt. Sometimes they don't mean to be rude. It just happens with them. Maybe they did not realize how bad it would make you feel. Just keep your head up and do what you know is right. You know like water off a ducks back lol

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