people with house chickens

Sad news. :( one of my babies passed during the night. She wasn't as peppy as the other four yesterday. This morning she was stiff. The other four are still running around like crazy, eating, drinking, doing chicken stuff.
Welcome JewelsChicks! We all understand where you are coming from. We all love our babies :D
Try to give them as normal of a life as possible. Some how or another each of us has ended up with our babies in the house either full or part time. Enjoying their love and personalities is part of being a chicken pet lover :D No matter what other ppl say they aren't "just chickens" either.
Theresa, that's AWESOME!!!! You and your hens have done brilliantly!

What adorable little babies you have. And you have massive respect from me for doing it the natural way :)
The people who want you to believe they are "just chickens" want you to be desensitized to the way many chickens are kept. All it takes is a little humility and open mindedness to see that chickens are incredibly sentient beings. And they are also willing to communicate with us, which is what I believe separated wild animals from domesticated.
Ah, exactly! I sometimes forget Finn is a chicken because of how he acts. When the dogs start barking, he "barks". He eats off of my plate and he takes naps with me. Chickens are just so amazing. Honestly, I would rather have them than any animal. (I still love you, Arizona!)
I gave Sunni a bath again today. She was starting to get a bit smelly again... She is so goofy about baths. She stands in the water and chatters to me, telling me all of her little chicken stories, the entire time. She loves the water. I couldn't get her to stop trying to drink it! :rolleyes:

The blow dryer isn't her favorite, so that part takes a long time. She likes to climb onto my lap and try to sneak away under my arm. But loves me now that she has clean soft feathers again, and she smells like baby shampoo. :love
I love spa time with my hens. No matter what its for! My new little chick Lacey sure is people attached :D she will stand at the side of her little clear tote/brooder and pace while cheeping very loudly. When we get her out she is happy and funny. And takes little chick naps in my hands. My kitten Shadow loves to sniff her and paws at her (no claws) esp when she paces and makes a lot of noise cheeping. So funny! She is just too little to put in with the other sure she would like to snuggle with them. She just doesn't want to be in that brooder alone!
I love spa time with my hens. No matter what its for! My new little chick Lacey sure is people attached :D she will stand at the side of her little clear tote/brooder and pace while cheeping very loudly. When we get her out she is happy and funny. And takes little chick naps in my hands. My kitten Shadow loves to sniff her and paws at her (no claws) esp when she paces and makes a lot of noise cheeping. So funny! She is just too little to put in with the other sure she would like to snuggle with them. She just doesn't want to be in that brooder alone!

She sounds like a sweetheart!

I keep wishing Sunni would cuddle with me. She's WAY too much of a busy body to sit still long enough to be considered cuddling... :lol:

Sunni is so funny about food too. If you sit down with a plate and she's anywhere around, she'll come running and start hardcore begging for food. My parents are always telling me, "Get that adorable little chicken out of here before I give my entire plate to her!" Those little chicken begging eyes are too hard to resist. :love Even for my older brother that claims to "hate" Sunni.

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