people with house chickens


my son Donovan, Chip the lab, and Gabby, hanging out

thank you:)

I know this picture is old old old, but I just had to say how cute your son and Gabby are. Can't really see the Lab's face, but bet he's cute too!
Oh, interesting.
Don't chickens moult?

Hi there Lsky. In my experience chickens have a lot of dander (skin, dust etc) I was glad to get them out of my bathroom one year because it was such a dusty mess.
Chickens usually molt in the fall. It doesn't make sense to me to lose all your feathers just as the weather is turning cold but it's true.
Hi there Lsky. In my experience chickens have a lot of dander (skin, dust etc) I was glad to get them out of my bathroom one year because it was such a dusty mess.
Chickens usually molt in the fall. It doesn't make sense to me to lose all your feathers just as the weather is turning cold but it's true.
Hey Attila the hen, (Cool name btw ;))
That sounds kinda gross lol, what do they look like while they're moulting?
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Hi, Lsky! I just wrote all about the poop situation in the thread "Baby turkey comes to live with us" Lol ... Luckily, Ginger is so dang adorable that I can tolerate it haha

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