people with house chickens

I totally love animals. I have 2 dogs and a cat that live inside. I have 4 chickens in a coop outside. I'm doing my best to pamper them, hand feed them treats hold them as much as they will tolerate. But as we all know, chickens poo where ever they go. How do you deal with that issue? I'm not being judgmental. I love my pets being around me, and they have had their "accidents". But cat goes in the litter box the dogs scratch at the door. What does an indoor chicken do if it won't wear a diaper?
I totally love animals. I have 2 dogs and a cat that live inside. I have 4 chickens in a coop outside. I'm doing my best to pamper them, hand feed them treats hold them as much as they will tolerate. But as we all know, chickens poo where ever they go. How do you deal with that issue? I'm not being judgmental. I love my pets being around me, and they have had their "accidents". But cat goes in the litter box the dogs scratch at the door. What does an indoor chicken do if it won't wear a diaper?

Chickens do what chickens do. Vulnerable surfaces can be covered with easily washable towels, there are equally washable and fairly attractive furniture throws, laminate or tile or hardwood floors are VERY easily spot-tidied (between regular mopping) with TP, which is compostable just like chicken manure. Wipe, toss.

Oh, and I am retired with nowhere fancy to go, so I seldom freak out about chicken poo on my shoulder. Heck, any one of the outside flock-members have occasionally pooped on me, so that's not a big deal.

What is a nice side benefit from keeping a house chicken or few is that the folks who ARE judgmental about it don't visit very often. Or at all.
I'm not being judgemental. I pick up my chickens inside their coop and had to come in and clean up a healthy dose of poo off my clothes. Just curious. I tell people if they don't like animals, don't come to my house. I hope I'm able to develope a good bond with my chickens but hubby draws the line at a house chicken. Some day.
Don't ask me how, but my Frack is housebroken. She will go to the front door and start raising a ruckus to be let out. When she wants to come back in, she pecks on the front door until I let her in. She has been doing this for about 6 years and has only had two or three accidents in the house. She used to lay her eggs in our bed upstairs, until she fell down the stairs one day. Now she has her own "nest" in the living room, although we do have another chicken, Blackie, who comes in every day to lay her egg there, too.

Hello, I have 2 RIRs and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are 15 weeks old. It's my first time raising chickens. I got them when they were 4 weeks. Some sites say if you want eggs it's best to get pullets that are about ready to start laying. I wanted younger birds. Yes, I want eggs but that's not the only thing I care about. I wanted to watch them grow, care for them. They eggs are going to be great but I plan to raise them as pets. When they stop laying I'll still keep them and care for them. I will only dispatch a chicken in my little flock if they are sick and suffering. Yes, I eat chicken, I buy from the store and eat chicken just not these chickens. They are my pets.
Hello, I have 2 RIRs and 2 Buff Orpingtons. They are 15 weeks old. It's my first time raising chickens. I got them when they were 4 weeks. Some sites say if you want eggs it's best to get pullets that are about ready to start laying. I wanted younger birds. Yes, I want eggs but that's not the only thing I care about. I wanted to watch them grow, care for them. They eggs are going to be great but I plan to raise them as pets. When they stop laying I'll still keep them and care for them. I will only dispatch a chicken in my little flock if they are sick and suffering. Yes, I eat chicken, I buy from the store and eat chicken just not these chickens. They are my pets.
You know, for hen friends that I have, my first arrived at two days old. They were White Leghorns. I had six and five were killed. That breed of bird for me is the friendliest. Those girls would sit on me, talk, and look and look and look at me. They were my friends. I loved them. I only have one left from that group and she is not even a year old. We sit together on the swing I hold her and sing. She falls asleep. Her name is A+ because she is so smart. My very small Japanese Bantam is also very friendly, and Black Australorpe is talkative. she rather likes talking than me holding her. She is shy. But she made it through a very very serious injuries from my dog. Her pictures are on
Dottie the Japanese Bantam is on this site , people with house chickens.

Feeding the girls by hand gets them use to your hands.

Your pictures are great, such a nice home you have for them. Very nice.
Every time I go in to scoop litter and check on things I feed my girls meal worms from my hand. They've been getting meal worms from my hand since I brought them home. A+, great name!!

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