people with house chickens

Maddie was a bantam (smaller poops) and her diaper had quite a large pouch so maybe thats why i didnt have to change it as often. Some days it was more times but no matter the day i would check it often. She wasnt bad at all.

I think back to my standard birds at the farm and their droppings were massive lol.
I clean up Sunni's diapers every time I see her squat down to poop. So about 7-8 times per day. A few times she has had soft poops and I have had to sit with a warm wet washcloth and wash her off. Otheriwse her poops are solid and I can just empty the diaper into the toilet and put it back on. It depends on the bird really. If you have a chicken who has lots of runny/soft poops, you're going to spend a lot of time scrubbing out diapers with baby wipes. If the chicken had mostly solid poops, it only takes a few seconds to clean it out.

Edit: This post was meant for @lularat but I forgot to quote her post.
Do you not use plastic liners in her diaper? If you liner it with plastic all you have to do it pull it out and toss it. No scrubbing!
I found chicken diapers for ONLY 15 dollars and FREE shipping on eBay!!!!!! I just had to tell you all about this!! These diapers come with adjustable straps so really one size fits all and no more out growing the diaper!!!( that happened with my last diapers). These little straps adjust and buckle!! And she has some adorable patterns!! These are sooo cute and inexpensive!! The diapers are by louise closet.(Hope I spelled that right) I just bought the cutest little yellow diapers with little honey bees on the bottom!! Check it out! You can't beat free shipping or the adjustable diaper.!! I was getting my diapers from pampered poultry which are adorable but they are NOT adjustable and a LOT more money and shipping costs. I just HAD to share this with my fellow house chicken people!! Just go to eBay and look up chicken diaper and you should find her. I thought 15 dollars and free shipping is a pretty good deal. She also sells inserts .but I usually just use toilet paper. The diaper has the special water proof lining and seem very nice. I just loved that they are adjustable!! The diaper can grow with the chicken!!! Hope this post helps out!! I was really excited when I came across her diapers!! :) check it out!! :)
It's a little tricky but if you fold it right it fits. How is Sunni doing?

She's doing really good! She's very needy this morning. She kept giving me hugs while I was holding her. She hugs by putting her head just behind my neck and then she'll squeeze gently really fast. It's the cutest thing! She is walking around in her diaper a lot more. Especially if I hold a treat out to her from across the room. She sure if a stinker though. We use wheat litter for our cats, and she keeps sneaking in the back room of the house to try and eat it. *sigh* Right now she's in her little enclosure eating her breakfast.

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