people with house chickens

I might try the Wrap Around next time though, just to see! For the most part hers stayed tight but sometimes it was like a pair of pants, loosened up a bit throughout the day. Seems like the Wrap Around would keep it right under the tail
I'm sure it does! Just feed them lots of fruits and veggies, including oranges. And also, I've found out that apple cider vinegar (ACV) in thier water really helps thier health.
ACV is awesome!
I was never a believer in the "natural remedies" until recently when my littles serama roo caught some sort of respiratory thing that totally took out his crow. He sounded like he spent the night at screaming at a rock concert! It was so sad and pathetic. A couple weeks went by and nothing worked.
Then 6 tablespoons of ACV per gallon in his water with fresh crushed garlic and within a DAY his crow was improving! he was back to normal in less than a week. I was shocked! I love that little, I am so thrilled.
I'm sure it does! Just feed them lots of fruits and veggies, including oranges. And also, I've found out that apple cider vinegar (ACV) in thier water really helps thier health.
I had been doing the ACV until my Guinea keets started drinking with them at a month old. I read that you arent supposed to give really young birds the ACV. Should probably start again though. the keets just turned two months today.
ACV is awesome!
I was never a believer in the "natural remedies" until recently when my littles serama roo caught some sort of respiratory thing that totally took out his crow. He sounded like he spent the night at screaming at a rock concert! It was so sad and pathetic. A couple weeks went by and nothing worked.
Then 6 tablespoons of ACV per gallon in his water with fresh crushed garlic and within a DAY his crow was improving! he was back to normal in less than a week. I was shocked! I love that little, I am so thrilled.
Funny you should say that, I have beeen noticing one of my roosters sneezing ( a hilarious noise if it wasn't so worrisome to me) and just to day I was listening to my three roosters and they sound a little hoarse.
Well, I was just told by the city council that I can take some of my chickens with me when we move. So I won't be having two house chickens after all. I don't know how many I can take with me yet. We are still waiting for a phone call from the city manager to find out more details.
Funny you should say that, I have beeen noticing one of my roosters sneezing ( a hilarious noise if it wasn't so worrisome to me) and just to day I was listening to my three roosters and they sound a little hoarse.

Well you should increase the ACV in their water to "medicinal" amounts, which is 4 to 6 tablespoons per gallon. My little roo Toy is 100%! This morning I was late because I stayed an extra few minutes in the yard after feeding to listen to his adorable little crow while his little girls cackled over breakfast... I love my little birdies so much!

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