people with house chickens

Go to bed Kyle!!!
but I'm Having SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! lol.

I know, I know. I will be heading there soon. Just one more thread.....
Hi guys, glad everyone is still alive. I was scared to post for a little while. You just never knnow when someone with a bad attitude is going to show u p and piss on your wheaties...I hate that. I am happy to report that Faith is doing good still out in the coop so as of right now I don't have any full time house chickens. waaaah. I can go back to my revolviing them daily. The only ones that kind of suck to bring in over night is the roosters, I admit i am madly in love with them. They are so cool. And so serious.These are pics of my boys when they were two months old....note the fluffiness of their little boots. i loved that. still do.



And this is them now. Roody, the head rooster, Early named for my favorite cartoon Early Cuyler from Squidbillies (my avatar photo) and little brother Sammy who i accidentally stepped on at threeweeks old. Bad Bad Bad. I admit, i never cry but i did then.



I hope the pics work.I m still having problems with the editor on the forums now. Or my computer. i think i clicked on something on a tequila night but i dont know what so cant fix it....anyway, trying to catch up on posts sobear with me guys.

Phantom my guineas are driving me nuts. two ofthe girls will not stop screeching. at all. all day all night. I got mad and chased one with a broom but it just yelled at me even louder. But yes they are getting out of the gawky adolescent stage. Now they peck at my sliding glass door. Exactly what their dad used to do last summer when he begged for hot dogs...they have come full circle...

Kyle trust me you aren't the only one that is up late. I keep the most horrible hours. I keep crackhead hours i guess. but not on drugs. just don't sleep good at night. This is why i post so late or early.

Anywho, glad everyone is doing good all the pics of everyones birds look super healthy. I'm so glad that our bad streak of luck looks like its finally over. I know iim not the only one that was getting tired of losing their birds. That was a sucky week...take care everyone..
chicken growling seems to be a theme today. Rovers favorite thing to do is growling at us whenever we're too loud for his liking. I read about three posts  today where someones rooster is growling 

Now I'm playing a game. how long can you stay on BYC knowing you have to get up at 6:50 for school tomorrow :caf        :sick  

Sunni loves to growl too. Whenever the UPS man or the mail lady come up to the porch with a package, she'll stand really tall and growl at them until they leave. She also likes to growl at me if I make too much noise when I'm getting ready for bed. :lol: Her bedtime is much earlier than mine, so she gets mad if I wake her up. I don't blame her though. I get grumpy when people wake me up too. ;) Lol!

Best diaper change yet! Her first egg with us! We have had her sense nov 23. She will be 4 may 15! Muffy rules

That's great!! She must be a very healthy happy girl since she is laying eggs. :D

My poor Sunni was attacked by our dog on December 17th, and she went a month without laying eggs. She finally started laying them again 4 days ago. I was so happy when I found an egg in her nest box, and oh boy was she proud of herself. :lol:
Aww poor girl!! Muffy saw her friend killed by a hawk on dec 27. We lost cheeks that day
Muffy was having a hard time not eating n we brought her inside. She's a great lil girl
I live in NC and am interested in letting some of my girls inside.

I used to let them on the back porch but it was soon covered in chicken poo ... diapers? Did someone say diapers? Bought? What brand?
I live in NC and am interested in letting some of my girls inside.  

I used to let them on the back porch but it was soon covered in chicken poo ... diapers?  Did someone say diapers?  Bought?  What brand?

You can buy diapers from lots of places. I know some can be found in etsy, some people here on BYC make them, and there are some really big places like Crazy K Farms and My Pet Chicken that sell them.

My favorite so far is Crazy K Farms. I had a really hard time finding diapers that would fit my house chicken because she is very small for her breed (Orpington). But the diaper that I have from Crazy K fits perfectly and Sunni loves it. She never has an accident (pooping out of it) with this diaper, and she can lay down, preen, etc with it on no problem.

The Crazy K diapers are kind of pricey, but they are well worth it.
I am ready to get this move OVER with. We are moving on the 28th, and it couldn't possibly come sooner. All of this packing and getting the house ready is wearing me out. Sunni is sick of the madness too. She hasn't been able to come out nearly as much because I just can't keep a close enough eye on her. The new house will be nice because the way it is laid out we can put up a gate in the hallway and she can have one half of the house and our dog can have the other. Then she can go in and out of her coop as she pleases.

11 more days! Im excited. :weee

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