people with house chickens

She loves it! Muffy is such a lover! I'm sad tho we r headed on vacation till Monday and cannot take her with. My amazing friend is caring for her while we r gone and I miss Muffy terribly! I havnt been apart from her sense dec 27 when muffys friend was killed :(. But, she's in amazon hands. Muffy had became like my baby lol. Wierd but she is :)

Hehe that's too cute!
She's adorable and if I had Facebook I would add miss muffy ;)

Here is a picture of one of my three silkies that stay inside my house. Her name is peepers. She is laying in my bed in this picture. She's such a sweet girl. She always purrs when she is laying with me . it's my favorite sound. I feel glad she is inside because we have so many hawks where I live. I have to watch her so closely when she goes outside to play because of the Hawks. She is four months old and was very very tame from the beginning. She loves people and loves to be inside. I thought this was a cute picture and wanted to share it with you all. She has a diaper but isn't really used to it yet. She's still a bit small for the size I got her. It's adjustable but still a bit large. My question is how do you get them used to wearing the diaper?? She does not seem to like hers very much and won't walk while wearing it.. Any advice is welcome.
Anyone who has been following my struggles as a first time chicken momma, may share my joy that I made a huge breakthrough with George my Silkie rooster, he took bread from my hand twice and ate an entire piece of bread beside me and would not share any with his girlfriend sugar. She was upset Haha, chirping away that he was taking her treats! I tried bananas to entice them more, well turns out they don't enjoy banana because it sticks their beaks together Haha its quite funny to watch them lick their little beaks off!!

George is very uninterested in banana. Sugar enjoyed it... Slightly.

I had to share my joy I'm so happy!!!

Hehe yay

Here is a picture of one of my three silkies that stay inside my house. Her name is peepers. She is laying in my bed in this picture. She's such a sweet girl. She always purrs when she is laying with me . it's my favorite sound. I feel glad she is inside because we have so many hawks where I live. I have to watch her so closely when she goes outside to play because of the Hawks. She is four months old and was very very tame from the beginning. She loves people and loves to be inside. I thought this was a cute picture and wanted to share it with you all. She has a diaper but isn't really used to it yet. She's still a bit small for the size I got her. It's adjustable but still a bit large. My question is how do you get them used to wearing the diaper?? She does not seem to like hers very much and won't walk while wearing it.. Any advice is welcome.

What I hear is just keep putting it on and eventually they will, maybe not enjoy it. But get used to the feel of it, and not bother it too much.

She's adorable :D heh
Thank you so much. Hopefully I can get her used to it. She's a little character

Just keep trying. If there is one thing I learned this far with being a chicken mom is patience!! Like Mack truck loads of patience hah.

She looks like it, mine is too. She's a little slow.. Shh don't tell her I said that Haha
Brrr it's chilly here! The weather is crazy right now. All the roads are freezing over and there have been many wrecks. We're supposed to have snow tonight and other chances of snow until Wednesday.
My chickens are getting restless in the house. I know that if I take them outside they'll just want to come right back in.

Here is a picture of one of my three silkies that stay inside my house. Her name is peepers. She is laying in my bed in this picture. She's such a sweet girl. She always purrs when she is laying with me . it's my favorite sound. I feel glad she is inside because we have so many hawks where I live. I have to watch her so closely when she goes outside to play because of the Hawks. She is four months old and was very very tame from the beginning. She loves people and loves to be inside. I thought this was a cute picture and wanted to share it with you all. She has a diaper but isn't really used to it yet. She's still a bit small for the size I got her. It's adjustable but still a bit large. My question is how do you get them used to wearing the diaper?? She does not seem to like hers very much and won't walk while wearing it.. Any advice is welcome.

I had a hard time getting Sunni used to her diaper. In the beginning she hated that thing with a passion. Now she chatters to me excitedly while I'm putting it on. At first she wouldn't walk in hers either, so for the first week or so I would put the diaper on her and then have her stand in my lap for an hour or two several times per day to get her used to the feel of it. Once she got used to how it felt, she started walking around in it more. Calling her from another room (by saying "here chick chick chick!") for treats helped get her used to walking in it too. Now Sunni preens, "dust bathes", runs around, jumps on thing, etc without issue. It just takes time and persistence. Just don't give up! Peepers will get used to her diaper in no time.
I have to tell y'all about something funny and practical. I had a leftover bag of doggie diapers from our chihuahua. We made her wear them when she went in heat until we got her fixed. Marilyn is wearing the diapers with her tailfeathers sticking out the hole for the tail....slightly modified. But the diaper is upside down so it will catch a big load lol.

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