people with house chickens

Is anyone else on facebook? I have a fan page set up for my house chicken Raven I would love to connect with other people who have house chickens I am also looking for idea for indoor caging... I want to do something super cute a place he can call his own during times he can't roam the house
Is anyone else on facebook? I have a fan page set up for my house chicken Raven I would love to connect with other people who have house chickens I am also looking for idea for indoor caging... I want to do something super cute a place he can call his own during times he can't roam the house
I liked Raven's page on facebook! I'm also looking for indoor caging ideas. My silkie roo, Emu, needs something better than a dog kennel! :)
Do baths help to keep the dust down in the house? I'm stumbling into keeping my 5 month old silkie roo, Emu, as a house pet, and trying to learn the best way to do things. Right now he's kept in a plastic dog kennel when he can't be out. But I'd like to figure out something easier to clean and better for him, while keeping my office from getting incredibly chicken-dusty. Any advice would be great!
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Do baths help to keep the dust down in the house? I'm stumbling into keeping my 5 month old silkie roo, Emu, as a house pet, and trying to learn the best way to do things. Any advice would be great!
I'm not sure if it helps or not. The dust they produce really isn't too bad. Sunni is in my room most of the time, and really the dust is only in her coop. Her coop is plastic, so it's pretty easy to just scrub down the walls with wet wipes once in a while.
I'm not sure if it helps or not. The dust they produce really isn't too bad. Sunni is in my room most of the time, and really the dust is only in her coop. Her coop is plastic, so it's pretty easy to just scrub down the walls with wet wipes once in a while.
What type of plastic coop do you keep her in?
A new addition! Buckbeak (after a very long bratty broody session) has hatched out her first chick. A future house chicken! Today around 3 pm exactly 21 days after she laid the egg. We haven't needed to intervene with her and her chick yet and the little one has stayed under her chirping away. its kind of funny seeing her tiny tiny baby when in july when we got her she was the tiny baby. I am pretty sure she still wants to be on an egg the way she is still behaving like a comatose broody. hopefully, it will dry out some more and maybe get enough energy to start running around like they did when they were little. we're being patient. and watching diligently.

there has been A LOT of snow here recently. I feel like I'm shoveling everyday. our backyard has become Mount Snowmound. It is getting tiring.

Thats been life here. hows everyone else. does anyone have any plans for the spring? new additions? coops? other house chicken shenanigans?
I plan on having you over to build me a 2 new coops for me! I hope you didn't have spring break plans lmbo BTW it was darn near 70 today hee hee. Sorry. Oh, I also need an indoor cage for my girls too!

Marilyn had her last spa night with me. I offered her her favs to eat. She won't eat. I am going to dissolve my sleeping pills in an ounce of gatorade and flush with another ounce. I will hold her until she stops breathing. I will let you all know how it went. I am already a mess. She just started pecking at her food as I started this message to you, but I have to follow through she cant live like this any more! Its killing me :hit

R.I.P Marilyn

She didn't last long after I gave her the dissolved 4 pills, only 10 minutes with no struggling. She finally looks at rest. Tomorrow I will bury her next to her "sister" Betsy who passed a few mos ago due to illness. I will be ok now I know she is no longer suffering. I loved my girl...
Just thought I'd ask a quick question here to see what everyone else does, on the important topic of grit. What do you guys do for grit? Does it come it their food, have it as an added supp, do they get it outside, or do you keep their diet as strict chicken feed so the grit is not needed to grind up other foods? Or something else?

Usually when they are outside, they pick up tiny rocks as they eat bugs, or grass etc. With Crooky, I usually take some of our Zebra Finch's grit and sprinkle a tiny amount in his food. I think if you were to leave your chicken outside for a bit and let him/her forage for a bit, it wouldn't be needed.

Hen grit is much bigger.

Chickie momma *hugs*

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