people with house chickens

My hen Ebony crows. She does it sometimes if I don't take her outside right after she lays an egg. I actually got it on video once! I didn't actually get her in the video, but I got the sound.
Ashley you are hysterical. My roo must be telepathic. My hubby is off work all week this week...he tried to wake us up early. No sound from us so he kept quiet for 3 more hours and let us sleep in! I gave him a hug and an extra treat when I cleaned his pen and fed him and Daisy. :D

Gave the babies greens yesterday. They weren't sure what to do with them and mostly played with them. How old are chicks when they start eating greens? I forget.
Hello everyone! ! So I am now addicted to this site and chickens. Last year we had a baby chick show up in our back yard and hes been with us ever since. Outside lol he lives in the barn with the horses. Built him a coop but he prefers to roost with my old retired mare. Hes had his trials and tribulations. Broke his wing and has nerve damage butbhe keeps on going. Well last weekend I did it. Went out and got myself 4 baby girls for him. They live in the house in the sparebbedroom for now. Maybe one will stay in not sure yet. Anyhow just wanted to say hi and say how much I love this site.
Welcome, Daniellecm! This site was a blessing to me. I have my very first chicks and I needed to find out all sorts of things! I bought three, one died, so I went and bought two more from the same hatch. They are growing like weeds and if that coop isn't finished soon they'll be standing on top of each other in their brooder! It's a fairly deep plastic tote and we put a roost in it for them, but my buff orpington is getting so large that she has to stoop over to roost on it! I've noticed all four of them on it at once, but at night they cuddle together on the bottom, probably because of my cat layin on the lid. Hubby had to put two more screws through the hardware cloth in the middle of the lid to make it tighter because the cat kept trying to stick her paw in around it and it was starting to get loose. The extra screws and bolts seem to have done the trick for now. I'm hoping it'll only be a few more days now and we'll be able to put them out in the coop. The run isn't done yet, but they'll just have to stay inside the coop until it is. They shouldn't mind since they'll have WAY more space in there. It should be interesting to see how they'll react to it. I wonder if they'll miss me talking to them a lot throughout the day?
They are so much fun aren't they. My husband thinks im nuts. The first thing I do when I get home is run to see my girls!
Hello everyone! ! So I am now addicted to this site and chickens. Last year we had a baby chick show up in our back yard and hes been with us ever since. Outside lol he lives in the barn with the horses. Built him a coop but he prefers to roost with my old retired mare. Hes had his trials and tribulations. Broke his wing and has nerve damage butbhe keeps on going. Well last weekend I did it. Went out and got myself 4 baby girls for him. They live in the house in the sparebbedroom for now. Maybe one will stay in not sure yet. Anyhow just wanted to say hi and say how much I love this site.

Welcome!! I know how you feel I can't wait to see mine when I get home too!

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