people with house chickens

Buddha on her throne!
Little Mo is such a ham!
Quick Question... does anyone seem to have issues with dust from their chicks/chickens in the house? I have hardly noticed any dust/dander from Pancake, but then we live in a dusty house. I could clean all the surfaces in the house and they'd have dust on them the next day. It isn't like I don't clean either I vacuum/sweep about once a week/every few days to keep from having it all over the floor.

The only time I notice Pancake dust is if she scratches on me.
Quick Question... does anyone seem to have issues with dust from their chicks/chickens in the house? I have hardly noticed any dust/dander from Pancake, but then we live in a dusty house. I could clean all the surfaces in the house and they'd have dust on them the next day. It isn't like I don't clean either I vacuum/sweep about once a week/every few days to keep from having it all over the floor.

The only time I notice Pancake dust is if she scratches on me.

Pepper is white, and a young EXCESSIVELY FLUFFY breed (standard cochin,) so I tend to see a fair amount of the dust she sheds. It's very visible on anything dark, but not so much on lighter colors like pillows and the carpet. I vacuum regularly (cat allergies and we have a black male cat, so every other day - every 3 days) and clean her enclosure with a shop vac if I see anything gathering. It is present, but not what I would call a problem at all! When I did have a dust problem, it was the pine shavings, not her! I switched to sand and it's much nicer now. I'm allergic to bird dust and have had 0 problems even with her enclosure right at the head of my bed. The only time she got a sniffle out of me was when she decided to sit on my face half way through a preening session. I think if someone has a bunch of chickens crammed indoors, it'd be an issue. I'm sure most people think it would be awful to have a chook or two indoors because of their brooder experiences, what with a bunch of feathering out chickens plopped in to a small space, and pine is a popular choice that people seem reluctant to blame... chickens seem less dusty than cockatiels I've met.

So in short, nah. LOL
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Pepper is white, and a young EXCESSIVELY FLUFFY breed (standard cochin,) so I tend to see a fair amount of the dust she sheds. It's very visible on anything dark, but not so much on lighter colors like pillows and the carpet. I vacuum regularly (cat allergies and we have a black male cat, so every other day - every 3 days) and clean her enclosure with a shop vac if I see anything gathering. It is present, but not what I would call a problem at all! When I did have a dust problem, it was the pine shavings, not her! I switched to sand and it's much nicer now. I'm allergic to bird dust and have had 0 problems even with her enclosure right at the head of my bed. The only time she got a sniffle out of me was when she decided to sit on my face half way through a preening session. I think if someone has a bunch of chickens crammed indoors, it'd be an issue. I'm sure most people think it would be awful to have a chook or two indoors because of their brooder experiences, what with a bunch of feathering out chickens plopped in to a small space, and pine is a popular choice that people seem reluctant to blame... chickens seem less dusty than cockatiels I've met.

So in short, nah. LOL
this all over. I had serious issues with cockatiel dust!

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