people with house chickens

I switched to sand and it's much nicer .
I know this has been answered before but what kind of sand do you use?
Funny how the names are gender reversed. It is very cute to be honest.

Omg they are so cute. Precious really.

Haha yeah, we had them like that because they were picked out as pullets-all of them, until we thought Veronica was a boy, so we changed it to Vinnie.
I know this has been answered before but what kind of sand do you use?

The specific type is Quikrete All Purpose Sand, purchased in the building materials section of Home Depot (not the garden section.) I saw it recommended on here by a few people while digging trying to find brands and types. It is a natural sand (not dangerous crushed quartz) that isn't screened to be sugar fine, and it is coarse. There are pebbles and a variety of grain, which is good (the large pebbles that look a bit iffy safe-size wise will sift out the first time you scoop.) For just my one 9 week old chicken, I've got it 3 inches deep. I've only had it for about a week, but it's the best thing I've tried! Haven't seen any sand consumption (I am still providing grit) or eye irritation, nothing in the nose... the only change in behavior is more vigorous and pleased dust bathing. Sticks to and dries out poops fast, but doesn't clump to her feet (she's a feather foot so that is extra important!) or cake up under her waterer. I think a nipple waterer is ideal for indoor sand, though, since the drainage is good but nowhere near as good as sand on dirt outside with everywhere to go! Just something to consider if you want to switch.

I think my only complaint is it's not very well washed out of the bag. My chicken is solid white, though, so I could be full of it and her color just exaggerates the issue. Also, I am not experiencing the ultra clean feet people have talked about, but I think that's just my enclosure size right now, not failure on the sand's part (she is a week overdue for upgrade, the post is running late.)
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Awwwe, me and my girls :)

Awwwe, me and my girls

So happy to see you enjoying your kids! Hope you're prepared for their broody moods. They brood at the drop of a hat - sometimes as early as 7 months and sometimes not until they're 18 months! We've had Silkies for 3 years and decided to just let them brood when they do - just making sure they get out of the nestbox at least 3x a day to eat/drink/dust-bathe. We don't give them eggs to set because we can only have so many birds and no roos. Silkies are terrific layers at 5-6 eggs/week. Because they lay so often for such a little bird we don't mind ours going broody to give them a rest from laying so many eggs - good sized eggs for a bantam.

They sure get crotchety in their old age though. We've seen our two jump 4 feet in the air squabbling and hanging onto each other's crest feathers. Then they toodle around together like old friends. Weird little clowns.
I have an OEGB that lives in the house. She plays with the dogs, always charging them then running away! She even went after my vaccum!

She is spoiled and will NOT wear her diaper, she flops around on the floor until she gets it off. She will also fuss and fuss at night until we wrap her in her pink blanket and put her in her basket:rolleyes:!
She was hatched under a hen, but I went out there when she was only a few hours old and found her face down in the dirt. I thought she was dead, but when I picked her up she moved. Soooo I popped her in the incubator and here she stayed!
Her name is princess!

what type of chicken is that

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