people with house chickens

Some of you may remeamber I was thinking about a friend for my black frizzle spazy and may have found one I am out of town and will be home in about a week to pick up a white frizzle about 4 to 5 mo old and introduce her to 7 mo old Spazy. Any help or thoughts how to try and introduce the two without fights and if they do how far do you let it go. Please any thoughts. This is a picture of my new baby
Some of you may remeamber I was thinking about a friend for my black frizzle spazy and may have found one I am out of town and will be home in about a week to pick up a white frizzle about 4 to 5 mo old and introduce her to 7 mo old Spazy. Any help or thoughts how to try and introduce the two without fights and if they do how far do you let it go. Please any thoughts. This is a picture of my new baby

My new and old chickens are afraid of each other and run away from each other. So, I put a rabbit fence in the yard with the established birds on one side and the newest chicken on the other side. That way they have several days to see each other and accept each other when the fence is removed. Of course, there will still be mild pecking order established -- as long as it isn't injurious let them figure out the order. I like small docile breeds so that there are no fierce competitions.
Some of you may remeamber I was thinking about a friend for my black frizzle spazy and may have found one I am out of town and will be home in about a week to pick up a white frizzle about 4 to 5 mo old and introduce her to 7 mo old Spazy. Any help or thoughts how to try and introduce the two without fights and if they do how far do you let it go. Please any thoughts. This is a picture of my new baby
I have juvie pens set up next to the fences of my older birds. They can ALL see each other, even when I keep the flocks separated into their own areas. It's made it so when birds get out of fences, or go visit the other birds, there's very little issues.

When I moved my juvies to my adult flock, the only hen that got a little butt hurt, was my alpha RIR hen... and she quickly showed them she was in charge and they respected her so now she leaves them alone.... she does occasionally chase the other chickens away from food - but since they free range all day, and have access to food throughout the day if they want to eat it... there's not much fight when they are penned and no one starves or guards the food. lol

It's also made it so when one of my 4 week old rooster got out into the big pen, my adult rooster protected him until I could get out there and put him back where he belonged. Even if they don't live in the same area, making sure the other chickens know they belong is useful.
Thank you all I cant wait to introduce them. I know I have delusions of them just running up to each other and shaking feathers lol I think I will keep them separated by a fence between them as ya all say then make it go away. They both a very sweet but I know Spazy my black one gets jelus of the dogs in my lap and will come peck not bite tho.and she can.
But with them being house chickens they better get over any misunderstandings soon it is getting colder and one may end up sleeping outside. I'll keep ya all posted love my house chicken page
Ok so I am home and we have a new friend and these two have been so great to each other no issues the issues is with me I was gone for 10 days ya all when I got back I got bite on the arm a dozen times I have a fat lip from bite. What the heck she was fine the next day but I was in tears seeing what I had done she hates me she is now better she hates me for a minute is this normal.
Ok so I am home and we have a new friend and these two have been so great to each other no issues the issues is with me I was gone for 10 days ya all when I got back I got bite on the arm a dozen times I have a fat lip from bite. What the heck she was fine the next day but I was in tears seeing what I had done she hates me she is now better she hates me for a minute is this normal.

They probably forgot who you are. Give them time to get used to you again. A little treat now and then will get them to understand you are their friend. Animals have moods just like people.
Well after a day she remembered me real fast it was like she was mad at me for real she has never been aggressive even to people she didn't know I had a day lip I was hurt in my hart.but didn't last long and she loves her buddy but her buddy I will be asking if some one may have cut her wings like in half she has stubs kinda but gets along fine

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Well after a day she remembered me real fast it was like she was mad at me for real she has never been aggressive even to people she didn't know I had a day lip I was hurt in my hart.but didn't last long and she loves her buddy but her buddy I will be asking if some one may have cut her wings like in half she has stubs kinda but gets along fine

It's so nice you have 2 chickens together since they have a flock mentality. My single house bird sits in front of her mirror "friend" and kisses her reflection and sleeps next to her reflection. She will have real chicken friends once she gets old enough to integrate with the outdoor girls.

This is her first day with us -- she is small and skinny and her feather legs are still short.

6 weeks later she has molted most of her juvenile feathers and has grown bigger and has nice fluffy feather feet. I am waiting for her wattles to grow and turn red before we put her outdoors with the adult hens.
Well after a day she remembered me real fast it was like she was mad at me for real she has never been aggressive even to people she didn't know I had a day lip I was hurt in my hart.but didn't last long and she loves her buddy but her buddy I will be asking if some one may have cut her wings like in half she has stubs kinda but gets along fine


Last summer I left my house chicken, Sunni, for two weeks. I came home and she was really excited to see me, and then she was nothing but angry for a day or so. She didn't want me to hold her or even touch her, and she pecked my mouth and my hands quite a bit. Which was so abnormal for her. I think she was just upset with me for leaving her for so long. Maybe that is what Spazzy was doing? She may have just been upset by your absence.

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