people with house chickens

LOVE it!!!! We always joked that our girl Peep acted more like a puppy than a chicken..LOL!! We miss her dearly
I am getting ready to hatch some Bantam cochins in a week and am VERY much looking forward to having our house chickens back again! We miss the pitter patter of chicken feet
I love having my silkies, I am trying to get some cochin bantams as well but I am getting a standard blue pullet end of April so at least i'll have that. The cochin bantams just seem so lovely. Dream goal is a frizzle cochin.
Just got two eggs that hatched today. ^^ One without any issues, while the other needed assistance in hatching as the inner membrane had shrank. I was afraid it was too soon, but the peeps had stopped and there was hardly any movement. Though after a good rest and stretching it's legs and neck once out the egg, the one who needed assistance is even livelier and louder than the one that hatched on it's own!

Both small floofs are happily snuggled against me as mama hen only was interested in the eggs, not the babies. I'll post pics soon!
Great news, my wry neck chick is 100% recovered with no issues, bad news, she can now fly out of her pen and isn't very friendly so I think she might end up living outside.

Other good news however is that my friend has 3 silkies she wants to re-home, 2 hens and 1 roo. I am thinking of taking them in and making a bachelor pad of silkie roo's and putting her 2 hens with my 1 hen to make a group of all silkie hens.
Just got two eggs that hatched today. ^^ One without any issues, while the other needed assistance in hatching as the inner membrane had shrank. I was afraid it was too soon, but the peeps had stopped and there was hardly any movement. Though after a good rest and stretching it's legs and neck once out the egg, the one who needed assistance is even livelier and louder than the one that hatched on it's own!

Both small floofs are happily snuggled against me as mama hen only was interested in the eggs, not the babies. I'll post pics soon!

Can't wait to see pics
Great news, my wry neck chick is 100% recovered with no issues, bad news, she can now fly out of her pen and isn't very friendly so I think she might end up living outside.

Other good news however is that my friend has 3 silkies she wants to re-home, 2 hens and 1 roo. I am thinking of taking them in and making a bachelor pad of silkie roo's and putting her 2 hens with my 1 hen to make a group of all silkie hens.

Good news your chick is feeling better! Some are not the indoor house chicken type
Silkies are so cute and friendly!!!! I say adopt the fluffy group!
Can't wait to see pics
Thanks! And here they are!

This is Little Peep-Peep, who is the yellow fluffed one who tumbled out of it's mama's wing when hatching. They look like baby pigeons!

And here is Little Peep-Peep sleeping with Miracle Baby, the one who was assisted and is peeping away wanting cuddles!

And here is Little Peep-Peep standing in the chick playpen staring at the camera.

Both Miracle Baby and Little Peep-Peep on a pillow.

I find it odd that we got a yellow chick when both the parent Silkies are white and white Silkie chicks have white fluff, so I think the yellow one may be from another dad. The hen did go broody 2 week after we got her so it is possible another roo snuck his genes in before we got her and her mate.
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Got 4 little cheepers now! Moved the eggs into an incubator as the hen wasn't keeping the humidity and kept getting off the nest to eat and drink, (She was never interested in doing so before, just now.) so we needed to assist another hatch due to the membrane drying out and going brown (I have been reading pretty much everything on BYC regarding assistance as well as watching vids on YT.) The 4th baby was hatched in the incubator and left me and my dad scratching our heads as the egg wasn't even pipped or peeping when we put it in, but we awoke to a chick in there.

The 4th baby is also more confusing in it is a grey-silver colour with dark grey spots and pink toes on normal grey silkie legs. I asked my dad if he snuck some eggs from Ebay in there but he said no. So... My hen and roo either have very weird genes, or the hen was kept with multiple roosters before we got her and her mate. My dad is hoping if the others hatch, that we'll get a black chick next. XD

Edit: Here is the pink toed chick.

And here's all 4 together, one is kinda having a wonky phase the white one did, but the white one started walking normally after 2 days.
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