people with house chickens

RoxyAnny, you were right about the INTENSE bonding lol. Little Peep Bird is doing great and I have had chickens before but this one on one Mama chicken stuff is definitely different! Peep Bird considers myself and one of the dogs his flock. ( I SAY he though I don't know if it's a hen or a roo!) I am actually enjoying it. Loading up the incubator again with eggs from a friend and shipped Icelandic eggs. But I have a feeling Peep Bird is going to consider himself above chickens....

This is Chicken Nuggets. She has the run of the house. Her "flock" is two humans, a dog, and a cat. Learns commands as easily as a dog (if tempted with blueberries) She has more personality than most people I know.

CONGRATS!! I love the pic!!!!
And yes...chickens have amazing personalities
Best pets EVER!!!
This thread is AWESOME. I was given a chicken on Thursday (4-13) and I'm in LOVE. I have wanted one for a long time, but thought they had to be outside. I live in Reno, and it is still snowing, so I had NO intention of putting her outside. She's about 6 weeks, I was told she was 3 weeks. Anyways, I've been caring her on my shoulder, as that is the Only place that make her happy. If she isn't ON me, she throws a fit. I also have dogs and they are getting used to the idea. But I'm so happy to read that other keep chickens in the house and I'm not don't crazy lady. I thought everyone would think it was discussing that she kinda pooped here and there (but it's solid so it didn't seem to be a big deal)....I was concerned to let my dogs eat the poop, cause everyone keeps telling me I need to wash my hands after I touch her....? So I want any advice from you lovely chicken loving people! What can she eat? What can't she eat? I grew up in the city (N.Phoenix /Scottsdale )and now live outside of Reno, a rural-ish area....and we have 1/4 acre. I want my girl to be a pet,and be able to have the run of the house with my dogs and again, any advice would be great! Thank you ALL again in advance. My heart is a flutter with all the anticipation of what a great companion my chicken is going to be, now that I know it's possible to keep her inside! Lol....
Congrats on your house chicken!!! We have wood floors, so it is easy clean up for poop..LOL!!!! We have always had house chickens and LOVE it!!! I am actually waiting for some babies to hatch, as we lost our last house chicken Peep in January
Miss her dearly but she has open our hearts and home to chickens forever
Anyway, I keep mine on the feed for the first few months until they have really feathered in. Then I give treats slowly...and try to keep them healthy! They always love the dried worms, as well as veggies, some fruits and p[lain yogurt is a favorite! I just stay away from "junk" items that are not healthy...sugary, salty ect. There is a great thread on here about chicken treats that you can check out
I just make sure their feed is their main eating and treats are given here and there so they stay healthy!! Welcome to the house chicken crazy people here

This is Chicken Nuggets. She has the run of the house. Her "flock" is two humans, a dog, and a cat. Learns commands as easily as a dog (if tempted with blueberries) She has more personality than most people I know.

Chickens are a hoot! Blueberries and spinach are a good source of Selenium. Be prepared for blueberries poop to stain dark. Chickens are great companions and soon learn who provides their food!

This thread is AWESOME. I was given a chicken on Thursday (4-13) and I'm in LOVE. I have wanted one for a long time, but thought they had to be outside. I live in Reno, and it is still snowing, so I had NO intention of putting her outside. She's about 6 weeks, I was told she was 3 weeks. Anyways, I've been caring her on my shoulder, as that is the Only place that make her happy. If she isn't ON me, she throws a fit. I also have dogs and they are getting used to the idea. But I'm so happy to read that other keep chickens in the house and I'm not don't crazy lady. I thought everyone would think it was discussing that she kinda pooped here and there (but it's solid so it didn't seem to be a big deal)....I was concerned to let my dogs eat the poop, cause everyone keeps telling me I need to wash my hands after I touch her....? So I want any advice from you lovely chicken loving people! What can she eat? What can't she eat? I grew up in the city (N.Phoenix /Scottsdale )and now live outside of Reno, a rural-ish area....and we have 1/4 acre. I want my girl to be a pet,and be able to have the run of the house with my dogs and again, any advice would be great! Thank you ALL again in advance. My heart is a flutter with all the anticipation of what a great companion my chicken is going to be, now that I know it's possible to keep her inside! Lol....

Chickens love dust baths so some time spent outdoors is healthy or you'll find your chick taking dust baths inside the house in the carpet or in a hair net (like my chick did)! Chickens seem to have an instinct for eating what their body needs. Outdoors they explore the weeds and seem to like the smallest sprouting weeds. When I had a sick chicken indoors to recuperate I had to provide her with chopped spinach, cucumber, and cantaloupe in addition to her regular feed. Your chicken will let you know what she likes. My Silkies ignored chopped banana for 5 years until one day I offered a tiny piece out of my hand and they suddenly went nuts for it! Seems like anything handfed to chickens is a delicacy to them. Here's some websites I found regarding toxic vs safe foods for chickens:
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Is this thread still active? I found it while searching to see if anyone else decided to keep a chicken in the house. I would have never thought this would be me...but I brought her in temporarily because our other chickens were bullying her. But I LOVE having her in the house hanging out with me (she's better than a dog) and she is loving the house life. She loves watching tv and sitting on her towels on the couch! I really don't want to put her back outside!
I love them! So pretty!

Mine is a Silkie too! We have 3 Barred Rock chickens and 1 Easter Egger that have suddenly started bullying her (I don't know why...? They have been together since they were hatchlings and are a year old now). My guess is they are just jerks. We were going to build her another coop and get a couple of other Silkies to keep her company,..but I am loving having her inside and she seems to have no desire to go back out either. I am really trying to justify keeping her inside. Lol

These chicks should be in movies. I love Chicken Nuggets but I would have called her Betty Davis cause her eyes look huge!

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