Peppa and George


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2016
Hi guys I am so I'm very new to raising chooks. I will set the scene then ask for help.
I have a really great mumma bird called Peppa and she sat on so eggs about a year ago as a result the only surviving chicken was George. I was given these birds recently and have set them up in their own palace.
Peppa became broody again so I had her sit on some eggs, now they have hatched and once again Peppa is a great mumma.
Since hatching I have had Peppa and the chicks separated in the same run but with different sleeping quarters to George and wire I between them.
I opened the hatch to let Peppa and her chicks into the main run, immediately Peppa and George started to battle! Is this normal? should I give it more time before letting them out into the main run again with George? I can add pictures to make it clearer :(
How old are the chicks? It's normal for broodies to be very protective of their offspring. I personally would not let them share the same space until the chicks are at least 8-10 week and old enough to protect themselves and momma does not have to worry so much about them.
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Since they have been separated, I agree with QM. Personally, I let my broodies sit and hatch in the main coop. I've not had an issue with other flock members attacking chicks. This is not advice, I'm simply sharing my experience - it may not work for everyone.
Ok I will give it a little more time the chicks are only 2 weeks old. Do you think that at 8-10 weeks they will just sort each other out and establish a new pecking order?
The main reason for waiting until the chicks are a little older is that they can take a peck from adult birds without it being injurious. They will soon be taught chicken manners by the other adult (and by that time, the mother will likely not be so tolerant of them). When you do introduce them, ensuring that the are hiding places / areas of refuge for the chicks will help, as will multiple feed stations.
Is George a female or male? I'm going to assume hen, correct me if I am mistaken.

Not unusual for a broody to have to reestablish her pecking order status when coming back into the 'flock' after being separated for incubation/hatch.
As long as chicks are not in danger, I'd let it ride out between Peppa and George.

Had this happen when reintroducing broody and chicks with flock...broody had to spar it out with 3 different hens.
I had to break up the vicious fights, cockbird tried but to no avail, but then it was over.
Chicks were never in was all between the hens.

But I have a large coop and runs, multiple feed/water stations, chicks had large floor nest...all that helped.
Yes George is female my daughter named them after her favourite cartoon characters. The chicks are protected I just think I may give it some time before introducing them again
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I wouldn't wait too long, just get it over with.
The fact that the hens have to sort things out is not going to go away and you want them together before broody weans chicks for sure.
So given that they are two weeks old how long do you think I should wait? Another week? The little chicks escaped today into the bigger run and came to no harm. I discovered them when I got home they wanted Peppa and she was frantic but George didn't seem to be bothered with them.

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