Perfect Flock


Dec 14, 2015
I am looking to add a few more chicken breeds to my flock of Austrolorps. I was just wondering what three breeds would get recommended the most (I know, this is kind of a weird thread!).
I raise chickens for their temperament and egg production. Thanks!
Yeah, my dad has Buff Orpingtons, but they (unfortunately!) haven't been the best layers. I have an egg business and need more brown-egg-laying chickens. I have looked into and will look into more, Barred Rocks.
My buff Orpington Priscilla was a bit slow to mature but once she began laying at about 8 months old she has been one of my best layers!An XL pinkish brown egg 6-7 days a week, as in, she lays for about two weeks and then takes a day, and repeats. But she has been an exception for the breed I suppose. Along with her my best layers (6 or 7 eggs a week) are my easter eggers and my Amber link. The amber link lays xl or jumbo, very light cream colored eggs. I've had bad temperament from every other sex link or production hybrid I've tried.
From my experience I do not recommend Wyandotte's if you're just after production & temperament.
As you already know, australorps are great as well, but didn't want to leave them out for future readers, mine is a great layer!
So I guess all I've got to add to your list is Amber White, or amber link.. Tons of big cream colored eggs. If you need your eggs to be uniform in color with your Australorps then those might not fit the bill either :/
Good luck!
I would add RIR and white leghorns both are great on production and if you add a barred rock roo (if you are able to have them) you can have a self sustaining flock that is sexable at hatch.
Yeah, my dad has Buff Orpingtons, but they (unfortunately!) haven't been the best layers. I have an egg business and need more brown-egg-laying chickens. I have looked into and will look into more, Barred Rocks.:)
Now see you asked for the perfect flock, for a lot of brown eggs go with any of the different types of black sex link hens, dual purpose breeds don't lay as well as straight egg laying breeds.
I would add RIR and white leghorns both are great on production and if you add a barred rock roo (if you are able to have them) you can have a self sustaining flock that is sexable at hatch.
A barred rooster over a Red or Leghorn hen won't make sex link or auto sexing chicks, so they won't be sexable at hatch. All his chicks with the Red would be barred, and the Leghorns tend to carry dominant white so all their babies lean toward white with colored flecks as they mature.

If you're wanting brown egg layers, red sex links are pretty much the way to go. For lighter/tinted eggs, the Leghorn hybrids like Austra Whites or Tetra tints are good.

I'm also a fan of barred Rocks, mine have been wonderful layers.

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