Persistent pasting


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
Twice in 24 hours I have had to clean an eraser size wad of poo off little guys rear. Not covering his vent thankfully but too close for comfort. Now his vent is swollen, see crappy picture, so put asteroid cream on it. I mean hemorrhoid. Also separated from mom to keep eye on him and changed diet to applesauce, hoping he'll contrive the runs. He is pooping but not sure if I'm missing something else. Yes the third one like this.


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I am so sorry. When my chicks get pasty butt I put ACV (apple cider vinegar) in their water and it helps their little digestive system get going and pasty butt disappears! I wouldn't sweat this too much because many chicks get pasty butt. I would also recommend keeping them with their mom and giving them all ACV water. Many a time separation from mom can cause stress on them and may make the issues worsen. Good luck!!
I am so sorry. When my chicks get pasty butt I put ACV (apple cider vinegar) in their water and it helps their little digestive system get going and pasty butt disappears! I wouldn't sweat this too much because many chicks get pasty butt. I would also recommend keeping them with their mom and giving them all ACV water. Many a time separation from mom can cause stress on them and may make the issues worsen. Good luck!!
Thank you! I always forget about acv and the many great uses. My mother in law drinks it (so apparently it does NOT cure nosiness just kidding, she's awesome ) great advice though and I very much appreciate it! I think to myself every day what a blessing it is to have Backyard Chickens and what great people I have met here, as well as the wealth of wisdom they collectively bring to the table. Thank you again and take care.
It is possible for urates (the white part of the poop) to clog up inside the vent and cause a restriction without it blocking the passage externally. If the chick looks at all swollen I would soak in warm Epsom salts bath and massage it's vent under the water to try to loosen anything that might be starting to block up inside. Obviously it is important to dry it well and grease it's vent and the fluff below with ointment or oil so that poop is less likely to stick before placing back with it's Mam. Unusual for broody reared chicks to suffer pasty butt although I had one once. Is it particularly hot where you are?
Hello Rebrascora! Wow my tablet tried to autocorrect to zebra who says computers are smarter? Anywho, I forgot to mention that I have been soaking his little bum in a teacup of warm/hot water. Poor thing is thinking he is a biscuit! His little vent is sticking out about the length of a pencil eraser. I can't seem to get a clear photo of it.I soak about once a day now and so far it's been primarily to remove the built up stuff on his butt. Mind you it's not in or over the opening also, yes it has been unseasonably warm here in Washington state. I should probably mention diet and must take my punishment now but I got lazy and started mixing the chick medicated crumbles with the adult scratch to make feeding time more efficient and I figured the chicks would search out their chick starter and mama could get her scratch and crumbles mixture. Now I am pretty confident the chicklets we're NOT eating the starter as I thought but were eating the adult scratch which is evidently not as digestible thereby causing constipation and the subsequent swelling of vent. Sound about right? I know, I'm already pre-kicking my own butt.
Unfortunately I think you might be right. Whole grains for a chick that small may well have caused an impaction somewhere. I would cut the scratch out altogether. If you want to treat your chickens, a few meal worms is a much healthier option. They would all be better off on chick starter, if you want to simplify everything and just give the layers access to oyster shell on the side. You could also ferment the chick starter or just make a mash with it, which will help improve digestion and ensure they are getting more fluids with their feed.
I now realise what the photo is showing....I couldn't make it out before (eyesight is failing), but now I see it..... your chick has a prolapse!!...I was thinking that was a fuzzy photo of it's head and beak ....Eek! Don't know why I didn't pick up on that, especially when you mentioned haemorrhoid cream! I must be going senile as well!

I don't think I can suggest anything else on top of what you are doing other than to keep that vent moist and lubricated and perhaps try to very gently push it back in.

Good luck with it and keep us posted on it's progress.


You're welcome!

As for the chicks eating the adult feed, that may be whats causing this like you said! The other poster is right that broody raised chicks normally don't get pasty butt. When I've raised chicks with broody hens I always put them all on chick feed. I don't think its the best for hens, but mine never appeared to have any negative side effects. Whereas chicks on adult feed has pretty bad effects!

Good luck, I hope this resolves for you!

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