Personal hygiene when owning chickens and other animals

1. Strict rule in the house is you always wash hands after being around the chickens or touching anything chicken related (gloves, eggs, feeder, etc.)

2. We currently have chicken-only boots due to the avian flu. It's less of a concern now but I continue to use those boots with the chickens as they get stored outside so any chicken poop stays outside.

3. Tools get shared between chickens and yard work - same broom, same rake, etc. Since they all stay outside I don't see a need to get 2 sets of stuff.
but I continue to use those boots with the chickens as they get stored outside so any chicken poop stays outside.

After once putting my hand into a garden glove that had a wasp beginning a nest in it, I never leave any article of clothing outdoors where something other than my body might decide to take up residence.
After once putting my hand into a garden glove that had a wasp beginning a nest in it, I never leave any article of clothing outdoors where something other than my body might decide to take up residence.
We have scorpions really bad here. I shake my coats and shoes out before putting them on, even the ones in the house.
After once putting my hand into a garden glove that had a wasp beginning a nest in it, I never leave any article of clothing outdoors where something other than my body might decide to take up residence.
The boots are in a lidded trash can and gloves come inside (we have a boot tray under a bench for general-outdoor-but-not-chicken-specific stuff).

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