Personality change?


Jun 1, 2017
Hudson Valley, NY
Has anyone else noticed a change in personality (of their chickens, not themselves) after the chicken started laying?
My very bossy Queen BO started laying about a week ago and she has gotten way nicer to the poor GLW at the bottom of the pecking order. She was merciless before---not to the point of forbidding food or bloodshed, but she kept that poor girl away from any treats tossed her way like a storm trooper.
Now she is letting that GLW eat treats with her, no problem. Unfortunately an SLW has taken over the harassment of the poor GLW so she is still downtrodden but if I toss treats in the direction of the BO and the GLW it's all Woodstock Generation.
The aforementioned BO is turning into quite the sweetheart. Still the "rooster" of the roosterless flock but so much more pleasant than she was before she shot our her first egg.
It's hormonal, as in pms...;)
Once everyone is laying they'll settle a bit. But when they cycle, tension will flare again. It's normal. Just provide hiding places for whoever gets picked on to help alleviate some of the torture. Good luck with your lovely ladies! :fl
It's hormonal, as in pms...;)
Once everyone is laying they'll settle a bit. But when they cycle, tension will flare again. It's normal. Just provide hiding places for whoever gets picked on to help alleviate some of the torture. Good luck with your lovely ladies! :fl

The lowest in the pecking order run a few feet and all is fine. No one girl beats the heck out of the other. No bloodshed but really...the meanness is disturbing. The two GLW are at the bottom and stick together but run like heck when the others get on them.
Good LORD can't they just live peacefully in their pathetically defined little world?? I can't free range due to a ridiculous number of predators in our environment so they are restricted to their 200 square foot run and 30 square foot coop.
Really, they are okay but the DRAMA, lol!
I was only teasing :)
They are lucky gals for sure! Hope they bring you lots of enjoyment and give you many eggs! :love
No worries, I thought you were just toying with my emotions!
Yes, my six girls are pets and will live out their lives here as long as life allows. Frankly, I don't care if they lay another damn egg---they give my so much joy and the eggs are secondary.
Damn, my dogs give me NOTHING and I love them to smithereens---at least my chickens give me eggs!

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