Pesky neighbors--A rant

I*Eat*Chickens*Yum :

I learn more and more everyday how ignorant and rude the human race is !!!!!!! UNREAL !


Edited to clarify, sob and is "I'm sobbing" not sob as in the acronym. As soon as I posted I realized that could be taken the wrong way...

Edited again to clarify, "I'm sobbing because I've apparently been ignorant and rude and I had no idea", because my husband read what I posted and insisted I was totally not being clear. Ok, I give up, I'm going to bed now...​
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Wow. Some people.
I too, would be put out if someone just thought it was their right to come into my yard without permission and wander around.
I know that nosy neighbors have to be a bit of a pain, and a liability worry, but if you all had to spend one day living next to evil Dan , my neighbor who has not only animal control, but code enforcement, and planning and zoning and flood control and the livestock commisson on speed dial, you would go out and kiss the toes of those innocuous trespassing loons. At least yours are non-malignant, mine wants me burning in he.., and the entire area turned into a giant non-native species, lawn. He hates my chickens, my dogs, my kids, my 1.5 acre pasture, my trailer and me. He has tried yelling at all of us and he harasses us as much as he can get away with. He is one of those that creepily drives by every day at 5 mph staring at everything in the yard, and its not because he likes what he sees! I would trade you all evil Dan for the wandering goat looker!, I even have goats!
When you keep animals, it is an attractive nuisance. You need to draw a clear line about trespassing upon your property. If anything happened, you would end up on the nasty end of a law suit.

Be firm, but nice to trespassers. You cannot set traps for them; that is illegal. However, you can post "No Trespassing" signs and warn people about electric fences.

Unfortunately, city people regard all open areas as public parkland. They have no concept of private territory beyond their own homes or apartments.

I don't mind people looking at my horses, or even petting them or feeding them the occassional carrot. Where I drew the line was when I heard something at the barn, went over to find a dad and five LITTLE (like around 6 years old) girls petting my horses. The horses weren't in the barn, then were loose and this guy had no idea how dangerous it was. When I asked him how they got into my pasture (the gate near the road is locked), he said they climbed over the fence because the horses wouldn't come over to them. Even got all huffy when I told him he needed to leave, telling the girls "the lady doesn't want us petting her horses." ARRRGGGHHH! Went out that day and bought a bunch of No Trespassing signs and re-hooked up the electric tape across the top of the fence. Sorry to get into your rant - still gets me upset.

Maybe you could try some humour about it - like post a sign saying - "Chicken tours - $1.00/person. Pet the Chicken - $2.00" Although I know I don't find the humour in my situation, so don't really expect you to find any in yours, either. Sorry you have such inconsiderate neighbors. Good luck retraining them.
Good luck. I HATE trespassers... and being along the highway in the highest police patrolled areas in the county doesn't help. Sorry for my short vent on your thread, I'm still trying to put an end to dirt bikes and ATV's going up and down ON our property.... Turns out the guy on the other side purposely cut down brush and stuff on our property for the kids to ride!!! I'm tired of the plume of smoke, gasolene, and dirt that descends on our cars!!!I have to fence all 800 feet or the sheriff can't do anything.
It seems to not be freindly/neighborly, but have those that have these problems tried the "POSTED" no trespassing etc. signs(as suggested by others)? I know that they don't work with hardened criminals (there are many more of these than people would want to believe)- but I hope that they have some effect on the more common "honest" theif. I know that the post was about trespassing but if they feel that it is OK to be on your land without permission other things will follow.

i hear what your saying that would make me very angry. you have to be very blunt and tell them NO!
otherwise everyone in the neighborhood and thier brother would be over there. kids or not you can get a sign or make one says no trespassing and get or make another sign that says attack chickens. padalock your coop. if people are walking on your property they may think they can go in there and mess with them or the other extreme take one, steal eggs etc. may neighbor did the same thing only without the followers and i told her flat out to get away cause they do attack people, bear in mind i have 3 buff orpingtons and they only like thier family and some of the cats no strangers. you dont need a lawsuit if one gets pecked wether it broke skin or not
Critter Hill--unless you were stalking the family--no need to apologize. I think it would be different if you left the road and went inside to start petting the goats....but I am feeling better about it.

I have different standards and expectations then other people and I have to communicate in a calm and nice way how I would like things to go. I love my chickens and sharing eggs and educating about chickens etc. I want people to gain an interest and maybe even take up the hobby themselves. Public acceptance and tolerance will only make things better for all of us. Maybe then we can change some of the silly laws and ordinances that have so many of us in a chicken bind.

I am happy I have this board to rant and rave before I do something silly like have an unnecessary confrontation with a well meaning but nosey neighbor. Most things don't bother me for too long--I am over it now--Thank you BYC.

By the way--We have Flyers fans in ME??

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