Pesky neighbors--A rant

I think that this is a good idea for all outbuildings. As my father used to say about cheap locks they "keep honest people honest". Which was a way of noting that most people that steal strangely do not consider themselves to be theives
and if they came with any equipment to do the job nothing reasonable would have stopped them anyway.
I am so confused...who would want to steal someone's chickens??? Are they hungry, is it a prank, or are they pedigreed???

Ay ya Yay!
Barns and coops attract all kinds of interested visitors. Our worst experience was catching a neighbour's kid trying to bridle and ride our greenbroke mare. Fortunately we got home in time to prevent an accident- that mare was great with my husband but not anyone else. Her parents were suitably embarassed, it never happened again.

Most visitors are kids or parents who want their kids to experience farm life without the inconvenience of manure. Our horses were on local television without our permission, too. You have to roll with it, understanding that most people are fascinated by what we do, even though they wouldn't or couldn't.

I allow a certain duo, sisters, to groom the old horse because they adore him and he has mutual feelings for them, and because I know they watch over the farm for me, without having to be asked. Two other sisters are not so great, the younger is capable of trespassing and luckily older sis watches for that.

It's a part of rural life and though I do not want to lock the barn it might happen, because a case of rustling occurred here recently- two cattle taken from a barn and slaughtered in their field while the owner was home. Gulp.
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Be careful about such broad generalizations. I'm a "city girl" who was raised well. I'm not the only one.

When I went to college it took me a year before I could bring myself to walk on the campus grass. Why? Because it wasn't polite to cut across the grass - that's why there were cement pathways!
That's one of the reasons I spent an extra $7000 when I bought this new place to finish fencing in the front of my property (in 5' chain link). I am fenced, gated, and padlocked, with a herd of dobermans staring out from the inside. Not too likely to get unannounced visitors.

People have NO sense!
yeah just be glad you have neighbors that are interested in your chickens, it could be worse. you could have the neighbor from hell that complains about your chickens and is a grinch!!

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