Pesky neighbors--A rant

If I saw somebody tromping though my yard to go look at my chickens, I would have a big problem. And im sure that you would if the shoe was on the other foot.

Not really no. Our neighbors come by on occasion unannounced to see our critters and I think it is nice that they have an interest. I really don't understand the fortress attitude. And thankfully, neither do my neighbors.
I like sharing my chickens with people, however, people track in all sorts of things on their shoes and I'm really concerned about biosecurity. Its not so much that they want to see them as they almost expect that I should let them. Also, they have been known to actually bring their loose dogs here onto my property, thinking their dog wont hurt a chicken. Well, usually, their dog has never seen a chicken and wont be able to resist chasing one. That is why I have a "fortress" attitude; well, one of the reasons. I value my privacy. Just because I own something that is a novelty to other people doesn't mean they get to come whenever they feel like it to see it. Actually, I'd prefer not to have any neighbors. So, sue me. I'm protecting my birds regardless of some city slicker's hurt feelings.
How rude! ... I'm not worried about my chicken coop and chickens, but I am worried about the horses...our front field fronts right onto the road, and anyone could walk up to the fencing to feed the horses...our fencing is getting "DO NOT FEED THE HORSES OR WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU" signs
Ok, let me clarify. I'm not advocating opening your property to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that wanders through. And I certainly think that any fool who goes into a fenced field with someone else's livestock without permission is heading for a Darwinian fate they thoroughly deserve.

What I am saying is that assuming those people are being deliberately rude is unnecessarily judgmental. Not everyone has biosecurity issues. Not everyone thinks that stopping by a neighbor's field to look at their livestock is a problem. These things have to be communicated.

The thread started in reference to neighbors. Seems like you would know where these people live and can have a conversation with them and explain what is ok and what is not. Failing that, signs are good too.

But assuming that everyone thinks the way you do is a fallacy that will quickly make you insane and bitter.

Hence my consideration of putting a lock on my coop during hunting season. I don't know those folks that will be coming through, thus some sort of "keep out" sign is in order. A padlock makes a darn good one.
I had no idea there were soo many freaking RUDE people that have no respect for fences and property out there!! You all have really opened my eyes, and I am so glad that I have perimeter fence that I designed when I was really angry and paranoid! I could not imagine how I would react if I came home and found a STRANGER in my yard. If someone stopped and asked to see my critters I dont mine showing them off, but to come home and find someone in my yard??!!
I am an ex-cop, they would be proned out and searched so well, I would know them better than their own momma, and when I was done taking them into custody and interrogating them, they would never, ever make the mistake of tresspassing again! I have perimeter fencing that would do the East Germans proud, and I do have subtle little...delay devices?? around the yard, as well as 2 dogs that both weigh over 150 each, and I have the psycho, crazy eye, 1000 yard glare that makes even my ex-husband get the willies, so I dont have to worry to much, but I also like to sit on my front porch and clean my 1911, so I hope my chooks are safe. I am only 5'1, but I am 10ft of mean when I am dealing with those who dont respect my boundaries, and if someone ever cut my fence to ride a dirtbike on my place....well, lets just say there would be a dirtbike for sale on craigslist shortly thereafter.
A guy did that to my dads place back in Texas, and he made the mistake of doing it more than once and using the same trail. He survived, and still bears the scars on his chest and arms from that new single- strand barb wire fence that my dad had put up across the trail that wasnt supposed to be there.
I have signs and locked gates, though my ex wont let me put up my favorite sign which says "Tresspassers will be shot, stabbed, run over and mutilated; survivors will be fed to the Hounds".
I had problems with snowmobilers tresspassing on my property a few years back. I put up fence, they'd take it down or go around it. We put up signs everywhere. The local police were called several times and we were told that we were not doing enough to keep these folks off our land and if someone did get hurt, we would be responsible!

I think my sign will say "If you don't have an invitation, you'd better be wearing a bullet proof vest!"

Shouldn't we all have a sign relieving us from responsibilty of injuries or loss on our property from those who choose to "play" with the animals? Kind of a "At your own risk"?

I wonder if that's legal.
Fences, barbed wire, crazy eye, guns, large dogs all very, very effective ways to communicate. Yeah, I think you have it covered. Anyone gets past that and keeps going, fire at will.
Unfortunately, these days it is not only *their* fate that you have to worry about. If somebody gets injured on your property, then YOU are likely to be sued for it. How would you like to risk losing your home in a lawsuit, all because some idjit decided it would be fun to pat the horsey?

What I am saying is that assuming those people are being deliberately rude is unnecessarily judgmental.

Of course they aren't being "deliberately" rude. Most of these people are too ignorant and unintelligent to be "deliberate" about much of anything.​
Agreed, hence the need for deliberate signage, right? No trespassing, yadda, yadda, yadda... Can't say you didn't tell them.

Well, I can't restate my argument any other way, so I will admit defeat in making any sort of point here. Though I suspect the scenarios of wandering into your field with your livestock and standing on the other side of your fence looking in are getting confused. As well as neighbors you know and talk to versus complete strangers who wander onto your property. Maybe I am the only one with neighbors who are also friends.

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