Pet Peeves

I have a friend who says something she thinks is funny, then laughs at it, then repeats it. If you laugh at it she repeats it more. I also hate when people smack or chew with their mouth open. My biggest pet peeve is when someone runs their finger nails across blue jeans. It literally makes my ears HURT to the point of crying. Mom does it simetimes to annoy me. It is not annoying. It is PAINFUL!
It probably doesn't rise to the level of pet peeve, but I don't like when people wear pajamas to the grocery store. I can live with it but I don't like it.
This is terrible. Also when fat ladies wear crop tops and think they look cute. I am not that fat. A little but not bad. I dont where crop tops because they look terrible. I see people all the time wear a trashy t-shirt and a pair of PJ pants. The closest I get to that is wearing a good shirt and a pair of sweatpants into Wally World.
This is terrible. Also when fat ladies wear crop tops and think they look cute. I am not that fat. A little but not bad. I dont where crop tops because they look terrible. I see people all the time wear a trashy t-shirt and a pair of PJ pants. The closest I get to that is wearing a good shirt and a pair of sweatpants into Wally World.
I just was raised that you dress decently in public as a sign of respect to other people. Makes me sound old, I know, but I still feel that way.
This is terrible. Also when fat ladies wear crop tops and think they look cute. I am not that fat. A little but not bad. I dont where crop tops because they look terrible. I see people all the time wear a trashy t-shirt and a pair of PJ pants. The closest I get to that is wearing a good shirt and a pair of sweatpants into Wally World.

*Shudder* Ladies,.., if you must, please wear gym shorts over them. Or a really long t-shirt. I saw a woman wearing tan or brown ones once and from behind, it looked like she was wearing pantyhose over her white underwear. They were stretched that tight. I won't tell you what she looked like in front, but it wasn't good.

ETA, she wasn't fat. She was actually pretty fit. But it still wasn't good.
People with a loaded cart in the EXPRESS lane. It CLEARLY states 12 items or LESS!

Driving the speed limit or below in the left, aka fast lane

People smoking at the entrance or exit of a business, so everyone has to walk through their smog

Not returning carts at the store

Good grief, I just realized that I am a grump ...... That's not even all of them. I need to go to church
This is terrible. Also when fat ladies wear crop tops and think they look cute. I am not that fat. A little but not bad. I dont where crop tops because they look terrible. I see people all the time wear a trashy t-shirt and a pair of PJ pants. The closest I get to that is wearing a good shirt and a pair of sweatpants into Wally World.
"They are skinny jeans not mushroom top jeans" - Tim Hawkins.

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