Pet Peeves

Hypodermic needle sharp.
I wear thick gloves and work boots, and even then, at the wrong angle, they get in.
Like I said, if the tip snaps off inside, get ready for some swelling and annoying pain till it travels back out of you.
Ugh! That's horrible. 😕 I think I would dig mine up because I wouldn't want to deal with that.
Ugh! That's horrible. 😕 I think I would dig mine up because I wouldn't want to deal with that.
Doesn't a Rose have thorns?
And yet the rose's thorns are tolerated because it yields such beauty.

"But alas, perfection, love and beauty, all only mask what is hidden below, A secret that must remain.
The reality of the Rose shows a sorrowful being,
Saddened by its curse, the potential to cause great pain.
The happiness and the joy, the eternal unquestioning love,
The Rose can turn all this to scorn.
The beautiful creation, the sad and scared soul,
Only too aware of the truth; Every Rose has a Thorn."

That's what I tell myself as the spikes are jabbing me when I'm working out there.
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Hypodermic needle sharp.
I wear thick gloves and work boots, and even then, at the wrong angle, they get in.
Like I said, if the tip snaps off inside, get ready for some swelling and annoying pain till it travels back out of you.
Same with pineapple palms. Hate those and I have a huge one in my yard.
The one tiny little eye crust goober that refuses to be removed and irritates your tear duct all darn day.
Either chop some onions 😭


Get a shower head like this & stick your face in 😆

That I can't type any more without typing a bunch of typos and I don't xee them until after I have hit Post and then I have to hit Edit and go bacj and fix them and it takes me longer yo fix them than it did to type the original post and I feel stupid because by golly I can spell and I used to be able to type and it just aggravates the lufe out of me, grrr! And I am NOT going bacj and fixing this particular post so there!

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